Chapter 1

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I screamed as I heard footsteps running after me, and I picked up the pace, trees and leaves flying past me quickly as I ran. I didn’t want him to catch me. I couldn’t let him catch me. Leaves crunched as my sneakers slammed on them, as I rounded corners, trying to get away. But I was lost. This forest was huge and I knew that I didn’t stand a chance. But I kept going, blindly, not watching where I was stepping. Suddenly, I slipped, my ankle twisting as I fell, rolling down a hill. Thorns and spikes and random plants scratched at me as I rolled. I tried not to scream, instead squeezing my eyes shut until I finally came to a bumpy stop. I struggled upwards, daring myself to look back. There he was, running down the hill towards me.

I kept running, following the light that I could see further ahead of me. The town. I was getting back there! I picked up the pace...

Suddenly the ankle that had twisted before finally gave out, causing me to fall. I couldn’t get back up. I screamed, yelling for help, dragging myself across the ground as I tried desperately to get back to the city.

“You’re trapped now...” he smirked, and I screamed one last time as he pulled me towards him. I begged him to stop, but it was too late...

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as my hands moved into my hair, tugging at it lightly to remind myself that I was awake, and it had all been a dream. I bit my lip, my hands falling from my hair to wipe the tears that began falling from my eyes, tracing down my cheeks. I hated the memories that haunted me in my dreams. I slid my legs out of bed, and put on my slippers and dressing gown. Tying my dressing gown together, I creeped out of my room and onto the dark landing.

I sneaked down the stairs and into the kitchen, carefully navigating my way around to get a glass of water. I drank it quickly then was about to sneak back upstairs when I noticed a gentle light from the living room. I rubbed my eyes and poked my head around the door, and there was Ryan, sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.

I knew he had a room downstairs, but this was different. He looked distressed. I walked into the living room properly and sat beside him. He jumped violently, wild eyes flitting up to meet mine. I saw tears on his face, but he quickly brushed them away. “What do you want?”

“To talk.” I said quietly. “I’m not here to make fun of you, Ryan.”

He looked me up and down, then relaxed, sighing softly. “Nightmare.” He muttered.

“Me too. It’s alright.” I replied.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “What was yours about?” he asked curiously.

I quickly thought up a lie. “Being kidnapped.” Partly true. But I didn’t want to tell him the whole truth. “You?”

“ parents died.” He admitted. “In my nightmare.”

“I’m sorry.” I said. “That’s terrible.”

“What do you normally do when you have nightmares?” Ryan asked, his eyes flicking up to meet mine again.

“I stay awake. I hate my nightmares. They feel so...real.” I sighed. “But if you want my advice, go listen to some really nice, relaxing sleep music. It might soothe the nightmares.”

Ryan shrugged. “I never tried that. My mum always used to hug me after a nightmare and promise me she wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, or take me.” He said bitterly. “She lied.”

I felt bad for him, so I let my arms wrap around him. He tensed up, but didn’t pull away. I stood up, my cheeks going bright red. “Goodnight, Ryan. I’m...sorry about your mum.”

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