Chapter VII

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After a month, it is now the couple's portrait that Desmond will be dealing with. Desmond feels uneasy when he begins his work, even though it is supposedly wrong because Elia is a married woman and it is not right to commit such a crime.

Filippo started an intimate stunt and suddenly Desmond smudged the portrait out of anger.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? You can come back tomorrow if you are having a hard time right now, "said Filippo.

Desmond realizes that she developed feelings towards a married woman in a short period of time and it's wrong.

The next day, Desmond came back with a formal stance. When Elia smiled at him, he flinched a bit, but he never lost his composure. He remained professional.

"I can do this job in a day. I will not allow her to become my distraction for this, "Desmond said to himself.

He indeed finished the job that day.

He paid his debt, but now he feels as if something inside of him ismissing.

He tries to figure it out, but it turns out to be


His desperation drives him to commit such a wrongful act. He pretended to be a pipe fixer andmet his lover Elia.

While Filippo is at work, Elia and Desmond enjoy the moment of being together.

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