The dream

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Hope was strolling through the woods. She was aware of the feeling that she was being followed. It wasn't a scary or oppressive feeling, it was one of familiarity and comfort. She comes to an opening, and stands in the middle of a huge field of flowers. As Hope stood there, she gets the sudden urge to turn around. locking eyes with a brown coloured wolf, its eyes the shade of gold. she takes a step forward "Who are you?" The wolf turns and walks away, but Hope can't seem to move in pursuit. After what feels like an eternity, A familiar figure appears in place of where the wolf once stood. "Josie! You shouldn't be out here, there is a wolf . It's not saf-". Josie doesn't speak, she instead moves towards Hope. without warning, their lips meet in a passionate embrace. Hope was frozen in place, paralyzed as Josie pulls away and looks at her with intense eyes "I love you Hope Mikaelson. Come find me". Josie disappears in a cloud of smoke. Leaving Hope with a feeling of intense pain; Forcing her to the ground. the pain becomes unbearable as every bone is Hope's body begins to break. morphing Hope into a  ghostly wolf, the colour of snow. darting though the woods, like a predator on the hunt. she stalks through the under brush until she spots Josie again. standing by the entrance to the boarding school. Stalking towards her, Hope finds her place by Josie's side. Josie stares down at her. Kneeling beside her, Josie strokes Hope's head "I knew you would find me, my love"...

Hope arises, covered in sweat. Her heart a beating drum. She sat up and looked around, her eyes adjusting to her dimly lit room. Now fully awake, Hope looked towards the clock on her bedside table. 6.30am. Hope groans as she rolls out of bed, grabbing joggers and a top from the drawers beside the covered window.  Hope begins to change, noticing a small mark on her arm. Appearing as a heart adjoined with paw prints. Hope panics, quickly throwing on a long-sleeved top. concealing the mark. Hope exits her room, jogging towards the docks where she was scheduled for training with Alaric. upon arriving, Hope walks over to Him, "Hey Dr Saltzman". Alaric smiles at Hope "Morning Hope, and may I say Happy birthday". Hope was quiet for a second. Completely distracted by her dream and the sudden appearance of the mark decorating her arm. She had forgotten her own birthday. Snapping back to reality, she smiled at Alaric "Thank you, Shall we train?" Alaric nodded, taking position. Hope was quick to follow.

Alaric was laying on the floor, attempting the catch his breath. Hope was leaning over him. "Are you okay, Dr Saltzman?" Alaric nodded before sitting up, wincing in pain "I'm okay, I'm clearly getting too old for this. Can you hand me my water please?" Hope nodded, moving to Alaric's bag. grabbing the bottle from inside, she hands it to Alaric. her eyes flashed an acute gold as she hears a familiar voice "Dad, Lizzie needs you". Alaric took a deep breath and looked towards Hope "Sorry Hope, I have to go. but we can meet same time next week. okay?" Hope nods as Alaric grabbed his bag and walks off. Hope turns around, but is startled to find that Josie was right behind "Jesus Jo, warn a person before you appear behind them". Josie giggled a little, causing Hope to flash a cute smile. She loved the sound of Josie's laugh, although she would never admit it. "Sorry Hope, Happy birthday by the way. I was going to come by your room later and give you your present, but you can have it now if you want?" Hope was taken aback. She hadn't expected Josie to remember her birthday, let alone buy her a gift. Hope smiled, embarrassed by how thoughtful Josie was. she looks at Josie "Come by my room later when your free. and once I'm showered. You can give me my gift then". Josie nodded and smiled, before turning and walking off. Hope watched as she walks away and couldn't help but raise her eyebrow. Josie didn't look to bad from behind. 

Hope quickly shook her head, why was she suddenly attracted to Josie. She knew that she liked her, but she had previously never been attracted to her. Or at least she didn't think so. Hope was beyond confused. what were all these new feelings she had suddenly developed? Hope was so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed that she was back in school. Looking up, she shook her head once again, trying to clear her thoughts. Failing to do so, she headed towards her room. Once inside, Hope ran the shower and grabbed some fresh clothes. She walks into the bathroom and begins showering. while in the shower, Hope examines the mark on her arm. She assumed it was a trick being played by one of the witches, but it didn't make sense, Surely if this was the case, the mark wouldn't of taken the form of a heart and pawprints. Hope sighed before washing herself. Once finished, she climbed out the shower and towelled herself down; before dressing herself and brushing her hair. Loving how clean she felt, Hope headed out her room and towards Alaric's office. 

Hope reached the office and knocked the door, waiting for a reply. It didn't take long before she heard a voice yelling for her to enter. Hope proceeded to walk in "Hey Dr Saltzman, I have a small problem". Alaric looked up, practically radiating concern "What's wrong Hope?". Hope lifted her arm and revealed the mark to Alaric "I noticed this on my arm this morning. At first I thought it was just a silly prank. But the more I think about it, the less it makes sense. What do you think it is? It's not a tattoo but it doesn't wash off either". Alaric inspected the mark before extending his hand. "do you mind?" Hope shook her head as he took her arm, running his finger over the mark "Well it is under the skin, Let me do some research and I'll get back to you" Hope nodded "Thanks Dr Saltzman". Hope smiled and walked out of Alaric's office. Once again heading back to her room. Once there, she collapse onto her bed. It wasn't long before she drifted off to sleep.

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