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Lizzie turned up with MG and looked at the wolves fighting "The white one is Hope right?" Josie nodded as she watched Hope take another swipe at the Black wolf "What do you think they're fighting over?" Josie shrugged "Territory probably". After a few seconds Josie's head snapped round as the scent of blood caught her attention. black veins started pulsing under her eyes and she turned to Lizzie. Lizzie who noticed Josie's eyes quickly swore As she picked up a sharp stick and stabbed it into her hand, Instantly blood started pouring out and she shoved her hand to Josie's face making sure the blood hit her lips. Almost instantly Josie's fangs clamped around Lizzies hands as she started drinking. MG was staring as well black veins also under his as he was a ripper to. Almost instantly MG grabbed Lizzie attempting to bite her but Josie had managed to push her out the way before she threw MG backwards. MG then began rushing towards Josie who instinctively grabbed the stick that Lizzie had Stabbed herself with and rammed it straight through MG's stomach. MG instantly fell to the floor then Josie went and helped Lizzie up "Lizzie are you okay?" Lizzie nodded as she shook her hand "my hand, It really hurts". Josie bit her wrist then offered the blood to Lizzie who drunk it. Almost instantly her wound closed and she smiled thanking Josie. After bout 10 minutes Lizzie was sitting with MG who had recovered after pulling the wood out of him. And the wolves had run off, but luckily Josie had used a tracking spell on the black wolf so she could find it. 

Alaric finally turned up and Josie instantly went up to him, "Hope and The wolf have headed west they can't be far, I can track them and let you know where they are if you want And you can follow in the car". Alaric nodded and Lizzie and MG climbed into the tuck as Josie vamped ahead. after about 20 minutes Josie found The black wolf but there was no Hope. Josie then spotted her dads truck lights coming through the woods. Vamping over to it she stood in front of it as it came to a stop "it's up ahead, But Hopes not there". Alaric nodded as he grabbed his duffel bag of weapons. Grabbing some chains And a crossbow with stakes dipped in Wolfsbane he walked ahead followed closely by MG, Lizzie and Josie. Once they reached the tree line they could see the black wolf Limping "Hope must have hurt it". Josie nodded as she walked a bit closer "Dad, Give me your crossbow". Alaric gave it to Josie and she knelt down aiming it. Just as Josie was about to shoot however she saw a flash of white jump in front of her. Standing up Josie looked down at the white wolf, its coat covered with red. Josie couldn't tell if it was Hopes blood or the other wolfs blood so leaning down without even thinking she put her hands on the wolf and began checking it for cuts. Seeing a small slash Just under the wolfs throat Josie put her hand close to it and began chanting as the white wolf watched in concentration. Alaric Lizzie and MG on the other hand were standing with there mouths wide open as Josie was healing Hope who as a wolf only had the instinct to kill vampires. After a few seconds Josie smiled and leant in kissing the wolf on the forehead before standing up grabbing the crossbow. The black wolf still hadn't moved and had laid down so Josie turned to Alaric "I'm not going to shoot it. I will use a sleep spell and put it to sleep then we can chain it up and take it back to the school. Alaric nodded as Josie turned around Focusing on the black wolf she chanted her spell and within a second the black wolf fell to the floor. 

Alaric walked over with Lizzie and double checked it was asleep before MG and Josie walked over chaining it. Hope watched from a distance until she knew it was safe before walking over. Once it was Chained Josie picked the wolf up but as she was carrying it it shifted back into human form. Instantly Alaric and MG turned away while Josie put the now sleeping girl on the floor before removing her jacket and wrapping her up in it. She was shorter so the Jacket acted as more of a blanket. No one could quite see her face yet so Once she was covered Josie picked her back up and they walked her over to Alaric's Truck. Alaric got in turning the key and the front lights came on, And that's when Josie's face dropped "Finch?" Josie looked up at Lizzie then turned to Hope who had transformed behind Alaric's truck and got dressed into some clothes Alaric had bought with him. "You know her?" Josie nodded "Sort of". Lizzie grinned before looking at Josie "What is it with you falling for wolves". After she said that Josie quickly looked at Hope wo had an unreadable expression on her face. Josie quickly looked away and placed Finch gently in the back of Alaric's truck. Alaric smiled looking around "Do any of you want a lift home?" All of them nodded and Alaric nodded to "Okay Who wants to sit in the back with Finch? Without even thinking And answering maybe a little to enthusiastically Josie spoke "I will". 

Alaric looked at the other three "Okay you three climb in the back seats". Hope shook her head "I'll sit in the back with Josie". Alaric nodded before climbing in the truck "Okay". Once everyone was secure Alaric began driving back towards the Salvatore school. Hope and Josie were sitting in the back with Finch When Alaric went over a bump. Finches head flew up almost banging down on the floor of the back when almost on instinct Josie grabbed it. Without even thinking Josie put Finch's head on her lap, and at some point during the drive back had subconsciously started running her fingers through Finches hair looking down at her. Josie was in a world of her own as she watched Finch sleep until she heard Hope speak "Jo, stop looking at her like that, And stop playing with her hair". Josie looked up and saw Hopes eyes shining gold, She instantly stopped her movements before looking away "looking at her like what? and I wasn't". Hope sighed before answering "You was, And like she's the best thing in your world". Josie went silent as they pulled into the gates of the school. 

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