Blood problems

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Authors note/ Part will be edited and improved 

Josie woke up and Looked at the time it was about 6.30pm. Sitting Up Josie could hear the shower running. Knowing Hope was in there she stood up and stretched the feeling of hunger from earlier wasn't as bad but still there. Josie opened Hope's door and headed down to the kitchen where she opened the walk in fridge that held the blood. Grabbing a bag Josie headed back up to Hope's room. Walking in Josie could smell Hope's shampoo and body wash she then saw Hope sitting on her bed. "Hope, I thought you would still be in the shower". Hope stood up and walked over to her kissing her, They stood making out for a few minutes until Josie pushed Hope away and looked down. Hope frowned at the loss of contact "Hey, why'd you stop?" Josie took a deep breath "I'm sorry, My feelings are all heightened at the moment, Kissing you, It makes me want to do things I shouldn't yet". Hope felt red flush to her cheeks she knew that she should be helping Josie but even she had to admit that the idea of Vampire sex with Josie sounded good. Swallowing Hope managed to speak but just barely "Oh, Erm, I'm sorry if the kiss was to much Jo, We can work on it". Josie nodded as she walked past Hope. She then sat on her bed and Bit into the blood bag  that was in her hand before immediately gagging and running to Hopes bathroom. Hope was quick to follow as Josie leant over Hope sink spitting it out "Jo what's wrong?" Josie ran the tap washing the crimson liquid out of the sink "That is vile". Hope looked at her concerned "What do you mean Jo? Its blood". Josie shook her head "Not Human blood, it tastes horrible". Hope was worried if Josie didn't like animal blood what was she going to drink.

Hope watched as Josie tipped the blood down the sink. "Jo you need to drink something, You will desiccate if you don't". Josie Shrugged almost un bothered "I'll figure something out, But until then I am not touching that". Hope frowned but was also a little bit amused "I have never known a Vampire to be so fussy". Josie giggled Before vamping Hope up against the wall and kissing her. It didn't take Josie long to pull away again as her veins started appearing. Hopes breathing was rapid the sheer power of Josie was definitely something Hope didn't think she would enjoy, But the way the brunette could so easily pin Hope was hot. Hope was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a surge of rage run through her chest. Grabbing her chest at the sudden feeling she looked up at Josie "Jo, What's wrong?" Josie looked up at her "I'm angry". Hope nodded walking towards her slowly "Okay, whys that?" Josie looked up at Hope and frowned "Because I want to be able to Kiss you without my stupid Vampire emotions messing it all up, I want to be able to drink normal drinks and eat normal food without needing blood as well, I want to be human Hope". Hope frowned as Josie began crying Walking over to her she placed her hands on Josie's face "Jo, Its okay. I Know that this is a lot to take in, But you can do this". Hope pulled her sleeve up and showed Josie her soul mark "Look, This means that me and you are one, I will help you with this every step of the way". Josie nodded as she studied Hope's mark and smiled Lightly "Okay". 

Hope had gotten Hungry so she had headed down to the Cafe while Josie went to see Alaric. Walking in her dads office she smiled at him "Hi, dad". Alaric smiled and Looked up "Hey Josie, come and take a seat". Josie walked over and sat down "Dad, does mum know I'm a Vampire?" Alaric smiled and nodded "Yes, I was going to come and tell you later, But your mum is actually back from her trip to help you with your transition. She's in town at the moment but she will be here later tonight around 9pm". Josie smiled at the thought of seeing her mum "Oh, really, It will be nice to see her again". Alaric nodded as he looked down almost like he had something else to say. Josie picked up on it and looked at Him "What's wrong dad?" Alaric sighed as he stood up "You need to speak to Lizzie". Josie shook her head "No". Alaric went to speak again but Josie cut him off "I'm not speaking to Lizzie ever again. It's her fault I'm Like this, Her and MG". Alaric frowned trying to reason with her But Josie refused to listen instead she stood up and walked out leaving Alaric alone at his desk. Josie was feeling overwhelmed and Hungrier than earlier so she went into the kitchen and tried drinking from a blood bag again. Taking a mouthful Josie once again gagged as she spat it out in the sink. Finally she had had enough.

Josie Looked outside and saw it was dark so she made her way out of the school and to the town. Once she reached it she headed straight for Mystic falls High. There was an Alley near the school and she knew there would probably be some students there. After a short walk Josie Spotted a young girl about her age outside alone on a bench, Grinning she walked over and sat next to her "Hi, Is this seat taken?" The girl shook her head and Josie sat down smiling "Are you waiting for someone?". The girl turned to her and nodded "Yeah, My Boyfriend was meant to meet me here an hour ago but it look's like he's bailed". Josie moved Closer to the girl "Well that's not very nice of him now is it". The girl looked at Josie and smirked leaning in close to her "You know, Boys aren't my only interest". Josie raised her eyebrow she could smell that the girl was slightly drunk. Josie grinned as she Stared at the girls neck "Oh yeah, what are your other interests?" The girl mirrored Josie's Grin and stood up before looking at Josie to follow her. Without hesitation she did. Once the girl lead them down the Alley she turned round and pulled Josie Into her trying to kiss her, But Josie dodged it as she looked the girl in the eyes "Don't Scream". The girl went still and nodded. Josie wasn't sure what she had just done but the girl suddenly seemed compliant. Josie Let her veins appear beneath her eyes, She then Leaned down and gently Kissed the girls neck before plunging her teeth into it. The girl stood silently slowly Going Limp as Josie drunk. Then Out of nowhere she heard a voice "Josie. That's enough, Come back to me sweetie". Josie stopped momentarily dropping the girl before looking up "Mum". 

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