🐍8. 🚔

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Markus examined Semire, but in the end he just shrugged. "You won't find anything here anyway, the technicians cleaned it up," he smiled and walked contentedly to his car. Semir had the urge to take the stone and throw it over his head, almost certain he would hit that selfish head. As soon as Markus left and Semir was sure he couldn't see them from anywhere, he went to his BMW and told Alex that they were there alone. They talked for a while before Alex evaporated. Semir didn't notice the moment his partner disappeared from sight. He was annoyed, he wanted to hide Alex somewhere, but instead his partner escaped him.

NEXT DAY at the port

Alex walked around the empty space in the port, thinking about all the events. Over how Semir hid him from a new colleague. The new colleague, Alex had heard his voice somewhere. But he couldn't remember where. As he wandered in his own thoughts, he collided with a man."So I wasn't expecting you here," came the hoarse sound again.That's the man. Alex ran out. That's the man who threw the murder at him.Alex stood in surprise, staring at the man."We meet again Alex.. "

"You're not going anywhere this time," Alex said firmly, taking a step closer. The amusement in the face of the unknown man embarrassed him.

"You think so?" He laughed and stepped back. He played with Alex like a mouse in a cage. The unpleasant hoarse voice penetrated deep into the human soul and stuck there as the worst memory. "Can you tell me the fuck why you're doing this?" Alex shouted at him.

  At that moment, someone said behind  Alex. "Hands up, Mr. Brandt."Alex turned stiffly. Markus stood there with that mischievous look. "You're crazy, he's to blame!" Alex shouted at him. Markus walked closer to Alex with a surprised look. The man with a hoarse voice stood outside Commissioner Markus' field of vision, so Markus did not immediately notice him. He noticed him as he stepped closer.

"Who is this man?" He asked, still aiming his pistol at Alex. "I'm telling you, he's the killer!" Alex repeated, watching Markus' hands. "I'm kidding Brandt, I know who the man is," Markus said calmly.

"How do you know that?" Alex blinked in surprise.

"I talked to him about the case. He is one of the main witnesses and I see that you are threatening him now, "he added.

"I know very well that Gerkhan talked to you and tried to find him, but in vain, my people are just better. We have evidence against you, Alexander. Give it up"

Alex watched Markus and the mysterious man incomprehensibly.

"Markus, you have to trust me. I didn't kill anyone. The one you're defending now is a killer!"Alex defended.

He saw no way out of this situation. The only way out would be to shoot Markus, but why would he do that when he had no reason to do so. He felt confused and felt that he was missing some information. But what information ... he had no idea.

"You seem to be trapped," said the hoarse man."You see!" Alex shouted at Markus, and at that moment it contacted him. Markus was not on the side that should help solve the case. He was covering for the man, so Semir and his colleagues did not find him.

"You bitch," Alex snapped,watching Markus with the utmost contempt.

"Who will believe Brandt?" Markus laughed.

"No one, no one is on your side." As they spoke, the man slowly faded into the distance.

Alex couldn't keep his attention on both of them. Because as soon as he stopped paying attention to Markus, he would probably shoot him.

"See you next time, Brandt, and this is the last time," the man smiled and got into the car.

Alex watched the car slowly disappear as he stood with his hands over his head in front of Markus. "You can't do this," he looked into Markus's eyes.

"Why do you think so?" Markus grinned. "There is no way out of here, Brandt, I will slowly destroy you. And then it's time for more, and what can happen? They won't blame me and they won't find him. He is not called a man in the smoke just for fun. "

"What if he's just using you, you're just his pawn, Markus," Alex tried to get him used to. But his words were completely stolen from Markus. "I'm not worried," he said dryly.

"It will be over soon, you will disappear, and then others will come. Slowly everything changes "he laughed and charged. Alex's blood froze in his veins. If Markus hits him in the head, he'll get over it quickly if he wants to get rid of him.

If not, he'll just shoot him and have him locked up. Alex wasn't sure of a single possibility.

"Who else?" Alex asked. "You, Semir, Jenny," he added calmly. As soon as he named his closest friends, Alex felt adrenaline. He knew he had to act, so he jumped on Markus.

"What are you doing, asshole?" Markus fell on his back in surprise. Alex began fight with him, trying to deny him access to the weapon.

After a few hard blows, they both held their heads in surprise. Alex had twinkles in front of his eyes, and Markus couldn't catch his breath, covered in blood. Alex could also smell blood in his mouth and head. He looked around quickly.

He stood at the edge of the harbor wall. If he fell, the water would save him. Unless he hit those dead ships which is in the harbor wall. He noticed that Markus was trying to stand up slowly.

"It's the end of Markus. Alex said and aimed his pistol at him. Markus laughed, " You will not shoot me" and gradually stood up, trying, though staggering, to reach Alex. "See, I'm going straight to you, you have nowhere to turn and you still don't shoot"

"You don't know me at all," Alex said. At that moment, Markus wanted to hit him again. Alex fired.

His opponent's blood splattered his eyes. He took a slow breath. Markus's body lay limp on the edge of the harbor wall. Alex had no strength for anything, so he just watched the limp body slowly plunge into the depths of the water. He wanted to take a step away, but he rolled back in pain.

However, the water did not catch him. He landed hard on the deck of one of the ships and lay motionless.


New part of story The Man in the Smoke, how you like it? Im kinda proud of it. What you think will happend next time? 🌸🤍

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