First Day

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Today was the first day of High School and Kurt Hummel was really scared. He had heard stories about how hard the work was, people becoming depressed from the stress, not having many friends, etc. He had also heard good stories about finding your one true love and all the relationships that can happen but knew it wouldn't happen for him. Kurt chose an outfit that was very bold, even for him and walked downstairs.

"Wow! Looks like you're going all out for your first day." His dad, Burt, said.

"I want to impress everyone. What if they think I'm just a weird freshman and I get bullied?"

"If anyone says anything, you tell me." Kurt nodded and ate the eggs his dad set in front of him.

"Thanks dad!"

"No problem. You'll make tons of friends." He was very unsure of that though. He didn't know who to sit with at lunch or in class. Kurt kept thinking 'what if I have no one to talk to?'. "Now, go brush your teeth before I take you to school." Burt said after Kurt ate. He nodded and ran upstairs, continuing to think about today. Soon enough, Burt took Kurt to school and he sat in the car for a second, looking at the building. "Are you okay bud?"

"Yeah. Like I said earlier, just nervous."

"It's okay. I'll be here after school and you can tell me all about your day."

"Okay." He smiled and gave his dad a hug. He then grabbed his bag from the backseat and ran inside. They had orientation before today so he memorized where his classes were and headed to his first bell. There was a seating chart on the board and he sat where his name was on it. It was near the back and the person seated next to him was already there. He sat his backpack next to his desk and smiled at the girl.

"Hi, I'm Tina!"

"It's great to meet you Tina! I'm Kurt."

"Nice to meet you too!" Kurt finally sat down and looked at his surroundings. "I love your outfit." She said after a bit.

"Thank you! I wanted it to be perfect for today. To be honest, I'm really nervous."

"Me too. I just want everything to be perfect."

"I know. I don't know many people and I feel like I grew apart from my friends in Middle School."

"I'm new to Lima and my friends from my old school aren't talking to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. If you ever want someone to show you around and all the good places to hang out, I'd love to show you."

"I'd love that too, thanks!" She said, pulling out her phone. We exchanged numbers and class then started.

"Hello everyone! I'm Mrs. Allen, your history teacher and I can't wait to get started with you all. I know freshman year is nerve wracking but you will get used to it pretty quickly. If you have any questions about class or just High School in general, always feel free to talk to me." She smiled and continued talking about class and what the rules are, what they would be learning through the year, and everything else you learn on the first day. After the bell ended, he exited into the hall and was getting pushed by others rushing to class. It was like a stampede but eventually the halls cleared and he was able to make his way to his next room. Again, there was a seating chart so he got seated where he was assigned. There was another girl and she looked— organized I guess. I sat down and pulled out my water bottle, taking a sip and setting it on the shared table.

"Would you mind setting that on the floor or something? I don't want my papers getting ruined."

"Sure." I set it next to my backpack and looked at what she was doing. She had a planner out along with folders and lots of different colored pens. When she shut her planner, it had a gold star on the front and she moved it to the corner. She then smiled and stuck her hand out.

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