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10 years later...

Kurt and Rachel were at Kurt's place, in the living room. He had an apartment in New York City. Was super cozy and just perfect. Kurt couldn't imagine his life better than it is now. He had an amazing fiancé, amazing family, great friends, and everything else he could ask for. A girl came running in the room with a scrapbook.

"Hey, uncle Kurt?"

"What's up?" He asked.

"Who's this?" She pointed to a picture of Kurt and someone else. Kurt grabbed the yearbook and looked at the picture.

"Kurt, who is it?" Rachel asked, wondering why he looked so shaken up.

"Uhh— my High School boyfriend."

"Blaine?" She asked, walking over and sitting next to the girl.


"What happened?"

"Well Jess. He broke up with me so I could pursue my dreams. Now look at me. Graduated from NYADA and on Broadway." She smiled.

"That's sad and sweet at the same time."

"I know. He was the best but now I've got Adam." Rachel and Jess looked kind of sad. The door to his apartment opened and Kurt looked back, seeing Adam walk in the room.

"Hey honey!" He said, sitting on the opposite side of Kurt.

"Hey!" Kurt replied. Adam saw the pictures in front of him and frowned.

"You thinking of Blaine?"

"No! I mean, Jess found it and asked me about him."


"How about you go pick up the groceries so Kurt doesn't have to?" Rachel asked.



"Stop being rude!" She shrugged.

"Not trying to be. Just thought it'd be nice."

"She's right. I'll be back." Adam walked out, hanging his head down.


"I didn't do anything!"

"I know you don't like him but I do."

"But Kurt—"

"Just stop!" He shook his head and shut the scrapbook, throwing it to the side. "My dad will be here soon so behave."

"Well, I like your dad." Kurt scoffed and walked out of the room. "KURT! I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" Jess looked at her.

"Do you think they're soulmates?"

"Him and Adam?"

"Him and Blaine."

"Totally!" Jess smiled.

"Just from this picture you can tell. He's never looked at Adam that way."

"I know." Rachel's phone buzzed so she looked at it and smiled.

"Kurt! COME HERE!" She yelled. Kurt walked in a second later as Rachel texted someone back. "Uhh—" There was a knock on the door so Kurt held up a finger.

"That's my dad. I'll be back."

"Okay." He went to the door and opened it. Kurt's eyes widened and he froze. Was he hallucinating? What was going on?


"Hey Kurt." Jess poked her head around from behind Kurt.

"Holy crap." She whispered. He looked down at her, confused. "Hi, I'm Jessica Hudson!"

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