Coming Out

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Authors note: I hope you liked Part 1. Here is Part 2! This one, in my opinion, is more interesting. I will try to post every other day and if it becomes too much then I'll switch to Wednesday and Saturday. Enjoy!


It was the next day of school and not much happened. Kurt talked to his friends in their classes and they started actual work. The list for glee club members went up and everyone made it. Well, the 5 people that auditioned. Tina and Kurt did make plans to hang out after school so he thought it'd be the perfect time to show her around Lima a bit. He already told his dad at lunch so he knew not to pick him up. He was standing in the front of the school waiting for her when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey Kurt!" He heard a familiar voice say. He turned around and surely enough, there was Tina.

"Hey! You ready?"


"I know the perfect little coffee shop not far from here to go to."

"Great!" They started walking and talking.

"Do you have any sibling or pets?"

"No. It's just my mom, dad, and I." Kurt nodded. "What about you?"

"Just my dad and I. My mom died when I was 8."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Thanks." Kurt knew that always a conversation stopper so he wasn't sure why he said it. "Anyways, what's your favorite subject."

"Probably— math? You?"

"Probably French."

"That sounds fun. I don't do any languages."

"It is fun!" She smiled and they kept asking each other questions about themselves to get to know one another. When they got there, they ordered coffee and sat down.

"This is a cute place!" She said.

"It's my favorite place to be with my friends. Plus, I need the coffee."

"Yeah. I can't live without coffee." Kurt nodded. "How long have you lived in Ohio?"

"Since I was a kid." They kept talking for a while before going home. The rest of the week Kurt got really close to all the new people he met and by Friday, Rachel and him decided to hang out. They were leaving school when he saw Finn. He watched him as he left and Rachel nudged him.

"Stop looking at him." She said.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because he's straight. Sorry but he's never going to like you back."

"I know." Kurt frowned and kept watching him.

"Just find someone who's gay and then make a move. I could see you being a cute couple with someone but not Finn."

"There's no one gay at this school."

"So go on like a dating website or just wait until someone comes to you."

"Yeah, whatever." They went to his house and saw his dad in the living room. "Hey dad, this is Rachel!"

"Hello Rachel! It's great meeting you!"

"Same with you!" They shook hands and they sat down. His dad left a minute later and they talked for a long time. "Does your dad know about you?" Kurt shook his head. "Does anyone?"

"Uhh— you. Other people think I am but I've never announced it."

"Are you going to?"

"I don't know."

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