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Blaine walked up to Kurt at school a while later and Kurt was still very concerned and on top of everything.

"So you took your medicine today?"

"Yes Kurt. You can relax." Kurt nodded.

"Okay. Sorry, I just don't know what I'd do without you. Even if you are a psycho." Blaine laughed, finally able to joke about him being in juvie.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" They gave each other a kiss before heading to class. They were holding hands and walking as Karofsky walked past and pushed him into the locker. "What the hell!" Kurt yelled at him, kneeling down to help Blaine.

"It's fine Kurt."

"No it's not!" He stood up and walked to Karofsky. "I may be small but I can still get Finn, Puck, Mike, Matt, and best of all— coach Beiste." Him and Azimio looked suddenly frightened and started walking away. "That's right! Run away!" He sat next to Blaine. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He didn't look fine but Kurt knew if he kept bugging Blaine, he'd just get annoyed. He nodded and they both headed to their first bell. During 7th bell, they both had a study hall so Kurt decided to take a quick trip. After he set his things down at his seat, he kissed Blaines cheek.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." Kurt headed out and to the locker room.

"Hey Kurt! What's up?" Coach Beiste asked.

"I need to talk to you."

"Okay." She seemed worried now.

"Just— don't tell Blaine I'm telling you this."


"A couple months ago, he was having a rough time. Things were going on between us and his family and he had just been super depressed." Kurt paused and wiped a tear that was rolling down his cheek. "When he didn't come to football I knew something had to be wrong so I went to his house and he was uhh—" Kurt paused again, not being able to help all the tears that came flowing down his face.

"Oh no." She said, able to figure out what happened. "He didn't?"

"He was standing at the sink with his moms pill bottle and when he was finally able to talk about what he was feeling, I just felt terrible. We had a huge fight and I felt like it was partly my fault."

"It wasn't though."

"I know that now but I should have watched for signs. Now that I know, I'm realizing that he didn't want to go out too much but stay in, he didn't eat as much as he should have, and he kinda seemed sad before I'd walk up to him or something."

"I think you're like his comfort person." Kurt nodded.

"And he's mine."

"So why are you telling me this?"

"Well when he talked to me, part of the reason he was sad was because of people messing with him. Pushing him and calling him names. I just think it's really getting to him. I was hoping you'd just keep an extra eye out on him. Like at practice."

"Okay. When I'm in the halls I'll keep an eye out too."


"No problem."

"Well I should get back to him. He doesn't know I'm here." She nodded and he stood up, leaving the room. When he got back to Blaine, he looked closely at Kurt.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean babe?" Kurt asked.

"You look like you've been crying."

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