Finally Seniors

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Summer was amazing and it was now time to go back to school. Blaine knocked on the Hummel's door as Kurt was getting ready to leave. He opened it and saw his boyfriend standing there.

"Hey honey!"

"Hey!" Blaine replied. He walked in and went to the kitchen with Kurt.

"You ready for your first day of school?" Burt asked Blaine.

"Yeah. Kind of sad summers over but it was super fun. It's all gotta end someday, right?" Kurt nodded and smiled at him.

"We gotta go dad." Kurt said after putting on his shoes.

"Okay. Have fun!"

"Thanks." Finn came downstairs from just finishing getting ready and left as well. They arrived at school and saw some of their friends walking.

"Hey guys!" They yelled to Kurt and Blaine who were walking hand in hand down the hall.

"Hey! What's up?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing much." Mercedes replied.

"I hope I have a lot of classes with my friends." Blaine said.

"We have a ton together so of course you will."

"I know. I just mean my other friends too." Kurt nodded. Will walked past and saw the group of friends.

"Hey guys! How was your summer?"

"Good!" They replied in unison.

"Awesome! The first glee meeting is next week so make sure to come."

"We will." Tina said.

"Have a good feeling about this year!" Will said as he turned the corner.

"Me too!" Finn yelled, walking up to the group.

"Oh, hey babe!" Rachel said, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey honey!" He replied. The bell was about to ring so they all said goodbye and headed to their classes. Blaine and Kurt have first bell together so they are so happy they get to head there together. They have every other bell together so 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th. Also lunch but you know... everyone has that together. All their friends met up at lunch together and sat at their table from last year.

"We're all finally having lunch together again!" Kurt said, smiling as he sat. Blaine sat down next to him and grabbed his hand.

"I know. It's going to be so sad when we can't do this anymore." Blaine said.

"I know!" They all looked at one another and after that, Kurt looked at Blaine. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" They kissed softly before backing up. "Like a lot." Kurt smiled.

"Same." He chuckled, then realized all his friends were looking at them. "What?!" He snapped.

"Nothing." They all looked away and started talking to one another about this year. What they are looking forward for and all sorts of stuff. After lunch they went to their next class which Kurt and Blaine also had together. They walked together and sat next to each other in class. They had another 7th bell study hall together this year as well which they loved. They sat next to each other and waited for the bell to ring. After their study hall, school was over, obviously. Their friends decided to meet at the Lima Bean so that's where they went. They ordered their coffees before going to the table.

"So guys, how was your day?" Quinn asked.

"Good. How about you?" Kurt said.

"Awesome!" The rest of their friends were arriving and sitting down. They all started telling what they did over the summer. Quinn went to Florida with her family for most of it. Santana and Brittany hung out together in Lima all summer. Puck worked on his pool cleaning business. Mercedes went to South Carolina for Hilton Head. Tina and Mike hung out all summer. Rachel went to New York. Artie hung out with friends, also staying in Lima. Finn, Kurt, and Blaine went to California but that was pretty much it.

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