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*Jungkook's mind is in mess what he can do now? There is no way to save them for now.. He needs proper plan But infront of Y/N he can't do anything*

Jungkook : Y/N go to car.. NOW
Y/N : B..but
Jungkook : I said now..

*Y/N silently nodded and went outside to her car when Jimin said something in earpiece*

Jimin : Jungkook come to VIP section Taehyung is unconscious..

*Jungkook went there with a fast pace*
Jungkook : They attack him to take Afrina with them.. But Sam? How?
Jimin : The big problem Y/N and Jin..
Jungkook : Take him to the hospital.. we'll discuss about this later
*Jimin nodded*

*Jungkook use his earpiece to said the mission is abort..*

Jungkook : Jhope where are you?
Jhope : At bar with Sid.. she's tipsy.. She drank a lot..
Jungkook : Take her to her home and yeah remember Chief will be there..
Jhope : Don't worry..

Jungkook : Namjoon come to my house with Tas. And Suga hyung..---
Suga : It's fine.. I'll go to my house.. Take care of Y/N.

Time Skip

Jungkook : Calm down baby... We'll do something to get her back
Y/N : Calm down? How can you say that to me.. and What you'll do? You can't do anything.. You did not lost someone it's me who is suffering

*After hearing that Jungkook couldn't control his emotion*

Jungkook : Yahh what you think? You're alone suffering here? I don't love Sam? Wasn't she anything to me?
Jin : Jungkook please
Jungkook : No hyung.. not now.. You know they also kidnapped Afrina...
Y/N : What? No... How Afri-
Jimin : We were also at the club celebrating for our newborn baby..
Y/N : But why they took her? I'm their enemy.. They should try to harm me.. why my family is involving in all this..

*Jin realize something Tas was not here... So he got curious and went to find her.. There she's sitting on a bench in garden crying*

Jin : Hey why are you crying? Nothing happened to you.. Calm down.. We are here for you
Tas : Afrina... Where is she? Idk what they gonna do to her?
Jin : Are you that close with Afrina?
Tas : She's my ever-
??? : Hyung...
Jin : Jungkook? Go to Y/N she needs you now.. But Tas
Jungkook : I'll handle her..
*Jin come inside to his sister*

Jungkook : Jimin go to Tas.. I think right now she needs you the most.. *Jimin nodded*

Jimin : Hey why are you crying?
Tas : So what you want me to do? She's been kidnapped Jimin.. How can I-
Jimin : I know I know.. But you also know she's Strong.. She'll definitely try to communicate with us..
Tas : You know Jimin I have no one except you guys.. But she's my everything.. Promise me you'll save her? You'll always protect her
Jimin : I promise.. I'll do anything to save her..


Afrina : You think you can locked me here? Hey you.. You don't know whom you're messing with..
Guard : You talk too much.. Look at her she's sitting in the corner silently.. Just shut your mouth before our boss cut your tongue
Afrina : And you think I got scared? I know he won't harm us before he doesn't get what he want..

*Afrina is frustrated because she don't know where she is and how can she communicate with her teammates..*

Afrina : So you're pregnant.. And everyone thinks that I'm pregnant
Sam : Sorry.. Because of me you have to face many problems
Afrina : There is no point of saying sorry now.. We have a big problem.. Idk who are they and what they want from us
Btw how did you get here?
Sam : I was with Saj unnie.. She took me to the club.. We entered to the club but before we go further someone drag me with them and put something on my nose.. then I blackout..
Afrina : Saj..? You mean Suga's Wife? Damn No...

Let's Play The Game [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now