Plan B.

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TAE : Jin why did you call me here in the pool?
Jin : So no one could suspect us
Tae : What is it so important that you called me urgently
Jin : Look at this... These files...
Tae : Case 1980?? Which case is this
Jin : I am not sure.. I was just searching for Sid's background that why did she betrayed us and found this files... It's kinda suspicious
Tae : How?
Jin : Look this year 1980 when Mr. Kang became our chief.. It's written that he solved this case with his genius mind and the only survivor of this mission
Tae : Okay so?
Jin : So I search about this case more... And the case never solved it's a closed case
Tae : What? Can I bring this file with me?
Jin : Sure... I'll be going now.. I still couldn't find any clue about Sam and Y/N
Tae : Don't worry we will find them soon.. You may go... *Jin left from there*

Tae : This case is actually suspicious *Tae was about to leave but his eyes fell on something..more like someone.. The person he was searching for everyday*

*Sid came out from pool wearing a revealed bikini which is showing her cleavage and curves perfectly... This beautiful woman can make crazy Tae in a second but right now Tae wants her to answer his questions*

Tae : Look who's here.. The betrayal of the KPD (Korean police department)..
Sid : Tae sweetheart.. I never betrayed.. Because I was never working for department
Tae : Why?
Sid : I can't tell you here? You wanna come along?
Tae : *scoff* The girl who betrayed her father she can also betray me.. I'm nothing right?
Sid : That's why sometimes I really hate you
Tae : Sometimes? I thought always

*Sid pulled him with his collar*
Sid : You blabber too much Kim.. If you want your answer just come with me in my Bike

*Tae hold her waist and pulled her closer.. their body's collide with each other*

Tae : Am I look a fool? I would never trust you.. I will follow you with my car..

*Sid pushed him and was going towards the changing room*..

Meanwhile (In the pool)

Jimin : Love birds I tell you
Afrin : What about you? Roadside Romeo
Jimin : Romeo but not Roadside
Afrin : Anyways let's back to the work
Jimin : I'm still insecure about this Taehyung.. Seriously now I have to deal with this shit
Afrin : He's more sensible Jimin
Jimin : Than who?
Afrin : Maybe you *smirk*
Jimin : *Pinned her to the wall* Such a brat.. Should I teach you lesson
Afrin : Please do it.. But right now we have something more important to do
Jimin : I will not let you go next time remember

Tae and Sid

*Sid was wearing her helmet and Taehyung was already in his car*

Sid : Shall we?
Tae : After You

*Sid was on her bike behind her Tae was following... They were going somewhere which only Sid knows... Suddenly Tae get a call from Jin*

Tae : Hmm Jin?
Jin : Tae where are you?
Tae : Um.. going somewhere.. I'm in my car right now.. Why?
Jin : Just get out of the car
Tae : Why? Jin I'm driving I'll talk to you later
Jin : someone planted a bomb in your car
Tae : What? *Tae look forward and see Sid was already smirking* Jin I'll call you back

*Tae speed up his car to Reach Sid's level*
Tae : You planted a bomb in my car?
Sid : *laughing* Come on Tae I'm not that stupid to use bomb in a public place
Tae : Shit I can't stop my car otherwise people will get harmed.. I need a Open place
Sid : Need my help?
Tae : Wow I'm honoured Sid is helping me who already planted a bomb
Sid : I'm telling you again Kim I am not stupid.. You wanna know who did it? You honourable Chief.. Mr Kang
Tae : You must be joking
Sid : I'm not
Tae : Now what should I do?

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