The Truth Untold

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Jhope POV

*We were waiting at the Dork according to the plan but They never came... Jungkook you said you'll come with them then why?*

Jhope : Hello Namjoon? Don't tell me
Namjoon : Everything is gone.. They are gone
Jhope : Stop talking nonsense
Namjoon : Come back with Lamu..
*He hung up the call*

Lamu : What did he say? Hobi pls tell me..
Jhope : Let's go
Lamu : what? But we are handling the exit plan right
Jhope : There were never an exit plan
Lamu : What do you mean?
Jhope : Let's go Lamu.. I'll tell you later

Namjoon POV

*We are in our hideout still processing what the hell just happened..? They are dead? No it's not true right?*

Jhope : So? How?
*We told everything to them and Lamu couldn't hold her tears she was crying on Jhope's shoulder*

Jhope : I still can't believe our boss our friends are dead? This gang it broke.. we are losers

Namjoon : Suga hyung say something
Suga : This gang isn't dead y'all... We will handle everything the way Jungkook did
Namjoon : After Jungkook it's you we all can relay.. You'll be the next gang boss

Suga : *scoff* No I don't wanna be the boss I've something to handle.. I will be out of reach for few days...

Jhope : Where?
Suga : You don't have to know
Jhope : Why? You said we are a gang right?
Suga : My personal life doesn't involve with gang
Jhope : *scoff* Oh now I get it.. Your wife? It's all because of her.. She ruined everything you lost your brother goddamnit.. Still you want that woman
Suga : *gulp* Yes I want her for revenge..

At Hospital

*Taehyung regain his consciousness and the person he saw was Seokjin beside him was Chief standing*

Jin : How are you feeling right now?
*Taehyung just nodded*

Chief : Where is she?
Tae : Your daughter took her
Jin : What do you mean?
Tae : Huh.. I mean to say that our officer daughter of the chief betrayed us.. Officer Kang attacked me and took Y/N with her
Chief : The he'll you're speaking? You know you're talking about my daughter?
Tae : No I'm talking about a catfish
Chief : Officer Kim seokjin help him to regain his consciousness fully I'll be at headquarter.. *Jin nodded*

Jin : Tae what are you even saying? Where exactly Y/N is?
Tae : I'm telling the truth. It was Sid who take your sister by attacking me
Jin : How can she do that? God knows what's on her mind... Even Sam don't know anything about all this I don't know how to face her?
Tae : But we have to.. Now we can't trust anyone? Can I trust you Jin? *He locked his eyes with him*
Jin : Of course.. You know me..
Tae : But the situation made me question to all of you that it's hard for me to believe.. Even in Chief

Jin : What? Taehyung he is our boss oir Chief
Tae : And his daughter is Sid.. Have you ever thought why would she do that suddenly? And that against Chief her own father?
Jin : Whatever it is we need to be careful and I want my sister back.. Anyways I need to go now take care of yourself *Taehyung Nodded*

At Home


Jin came home but all the way he was thinking about his sisters.. "Where is Y/N? How can he tell about all this to Sam?" He thought*

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