Chapter 2: My in laws

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Jungkook is born from the richest family in the Korean Jeon group, some people even say they own Korea.

The company started small in the 18th century, but as time went on and more children were born and married.

Now the Jeon owns Hotels, schools, retail companies, chains of restaurants, hospitals, and many more.

While Jungkook was growing up, he knew he had to marry someone from money so that the Jeon group can expand like it has been doing for decades.

In middle school, his mother was pushing him towards one of her friend's daughters, because they owned an entertainment company and that was something that Jeon groups did not have.

He started dating her in 8th grade and with time he fell for her and they had a great relationship, everyone knew they were to marry in the future and that became even more real when they found out she was pregnant.

Most parents would have been mad if their child impregnated someone at 15 but for Jungkook and his girlfriend's families was the greatest news.

They celebrated the union of two families and everything was going according to plan because Jungkook and his girlfriend Aera were also happy and in love.

When the delivery date came everyone was happy and we're with them in the operating room when Aera gave birth everything was normal but then the doctors started panicking and told everyone to go outside.

Hours later the doctor told them she lost a lot of blood and they did everything they could but she passed.

Aera's parents were devasted, Aera was their only child and her passing did not go well with them and demanded they stay with the baby whom they also named Aera after their child.

The Choi family were great people to the point where they treated their maid's Minji daughter Jimin as their own and that caused Jimin and Aera to be close to each other even though Jimin was two years older than her.

When Aera passed the Choi family couldn't cope with her passing but Jimin was there she helped whether she could by taking care of little Aera or going to events with them as their daughter.

They were so grateful that when found out that Jungkook and Jimin were in a relationship they did not make a fuss about it, instead all of Aera's shares went to Jimin because Jungkook's mother did not approve of her son marrying a maiden daughter.

The Choi claimed Jimin as their firstborn of the family and gave her Aera's share so she will be able to marry Jungkook and they knew Jimin was the only person who would treat Aera like her own.

Jungkook believes he is the man he is today thanks to Jimin because when Aera died he lost himself not even his brother Yoongi could help him and all of his friends gave up on him, but Jimin stayed.

She helped in many ways and Jungkook did not mean to fall in love, he did not even think he could fall in love again but he did and he promised himself he would marry Jimin one day, even though they had some difficulties that did not stop their love for each other instead it grew even more.

When married, a year into the marriage Jungkook and Jimin wanted to start trying for children but they fail every time.

They decided to get tested to know what was the problem and they found that since Jungkook was drinking and taking the drug, his testosterone levels, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone, and raising estrogen levels were low, and it reduced sperm production and that caused him to be infertile.

He had to go to surgery and stayed at the hospital for about two months but they lied to their families and said they were going on a couple's trip and all of this was Jimin's idea she did not want their families to know about their struggles.

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