Chapter 3: Long lost friend

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Jimin was still mad at Jungkook and she was now practicing for her recital, putting all of her emotion into the dance.

Taehyung, came into the practice room when she saw Jimin dancing her heart out, she couldn't help but look at her.

She has always admired Jimin, but she never had the chance to talk to her since back in high school Jimin was the outcast and she was only hanging out with Aera.

When Mrs. Jeon came to her parents about a marriage proposal, she never knew the person was married, and when she saw Jimin again after years all she wanted to do was talk to her, but she didn't get the chance.

When the song came to an end, Jimin was still catching his breath when she heard someone clapping their hands.

She turned and saw that it was the girl from the dinner that took place about a week ago.

"Before you say anything, I came to apologize" Jimin was shocked and didn't know what to say because based on what he remembers this girl is the girl that her in-laws chose for her husband and now she's here to apologize.

"Jimin, I'm sorry when my parents told me about an arranged marriage, at first I didn't want it but after talking out for some time I accepted the offer, but I didn't know that Jungkook was married since I knew that Aera died and Mrs. Jeon told me Jungkook never moved on from her, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know" was all Jimin said and she went where she left her stuff to collect them so that she can head home.

"Jimin, I swear I didn't know, I would never do anything to hurt you like that, I always looked up to you when we were in middle and high school you were like my idol, so I will never hurt you." When Taehyung said that Jimin stopped everything she was doing and looked at her.

"We went to the same school?" Jimin was confused she knew everyone from her class since you could say she was part of the popular kids in school.

"You might not remember me, I was the kid that always used to follow you around."

"Taehyung? but you look nothing like her" Jimin was talking to herself but Taehyung heard her.

"I'm not the nerd kid anymore after high school, I went to the state, and let say that I started caring about my appearance more than I used to in high school."

When Taehyung said that Jimin started tearing up because she couldn't believe that she forgot how one of her best friends looked like, when Taehyung saw her crying she went to hug her.

"How about we go to that café across the street to catch up?" Jimin didn't say anything all she did was give her a nod, and they both left.

When they arrived at the café, Taehyung took them to a designated table where no one was around that they can get some privacy.

"Jimin like I was saying you know me, I will never hurt you, believe me, I didn't know"

"What do you want me to say Taehyung, you disappear after high school, and Aera was gone so I've been by myself since."

"Jimin you were like my sister, I know I used to follow you around but unlike most people, you didn't push me away and made me your friend"

"That doesn't mean anything Taehyung you've been gone for seven years and that a lot of years people change."

"Can you at least give me a chance to prove it to you?"

"Okay, for old time's sake" Taehyung and Jimin spend most of their time talking that she lost track of time, and she took Taehyung to her house so that they can finish catching up and know where she lives.

When she got there, Aera welcomes her with a hug.

"Mommy" Aera jumps on her "why didn't you pick me up, I waited for you but you never showed up"

"Baby, today was Daddy's turn to pick you up, who-" Jimin didn't even finish when he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Of course you will say that Jungkook has an important and demanding career, he doesn't have time to pause pick up a child here and then, as his wife you should be picking up Aera every day, but how could you do that you are not Aera's mother after all"

"Yuri, what are you doing here?" Jimin is exhausted all she wanted to do was catch up with an old friend and try to amend things with Jungkook what she didn't want was to deal with Jungkook's bratty sister.

"What do you mean by what I'm doing here, it's my brother's house I can come in and go whenever I please, you will have value in this family the moment you become productive" Yuri wanted to make Jimin as uncomfortable as she could so that she could leave and marry someone that wasn't her brother and that way people would stop judging them.

"Yuri, this my house as much it, your brother's, and you can't just come here and act like you own the place that unacceptable" Jimin is tired of the way Yuri treats her, Yuri is younger than her she hasn't graduated high school yet.

"You know what is unacceptable the fact that I was hanging out with my boyfriend but I had to cut it short because I received a call, someone forgot to pick up her husband kid become she was dancing, but how can I blame you you don't know how it feels like to carry a child for nine months" by Jimin's facial expression Yuri was happy that she won but Jimin wasn't going to let her celebrate her victory

"I might not know how it feels to carry a child for nine months, but I'm sure the girl your boyfriend is cheating on you knows how-" Yuri is confused and furious what is Jimin talking about her childhood boyfriend would never cheat on her they been together since seven grade and he might have graduated already but her boyfriend told her he only has eyes for her.

"My boyfriend would never cheat, and on top of that impregnate another woman, but I'm sure that what will happen to you when Oppa gets tired of you and Taehyung Unnie is the perfect match for my Oppa" after hanging out with Taehyung Jimin knows that she will never do something's to hurt her and Jungkook loves her too much to cheat.

"Yuri, I appreciate that you were able to get Aera home save when I and my husband were not able to, but if you don't mind you are dismissed" Jimin is so fed up enough is enough.

"You can't kick me out pest, as I said I will anything that I please-"

"Why don't you just leave Yuri, you don't have to always disrespect Jimin she's your elder brother wife that makes her your Unnie" Taehyung had to step up because she couldn't stand seeing someone belittle her friend as such

"You know what I'm leaving just because Unnie said so but not because of you Jimin" Yuri left Jimin forgot to notice the exchange that happened between Taehyung and Yuri.

Hey, there it has been so long since I upgraded this story but I did not forget about it I was busy writing 'My secret Lover' and school

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter any feedback will be appreciated

Until next time

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