chapter 10: The fight

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Jimin knows that Jungkook said that it wasn't her fault, but she is starting to doubt herself. What if what people are saying is true?

She indeed started dating Jungkook shortly after Aera's passing. Was that her intention all along?

"Jimin, are you not going to eat? You have been playing with your food for the past twenty minutes. Is everything alright?"  Jimin was currently on her lunch break with Hoseok as usual, but she couldn't even focus on the food

"No, everything is fine, I'm just a little tired today. I had a long day with my girls. " That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either

"Something tells me that's not the reason. Come on, spit it out?" Should she tell Hoseok? Jimin did not know what to do but decided to hear what Hoseok would say

"It's just that last night Yuri and Taehyung said something, and it made me doubt myself."

"What did those two say that could trouble you so much" Hoseok knows about everything Jimin is going through and he is quite disappointed in Yuri since that not the person he knows her as, is Jimin being from not a well-off family excuse to dehumanized her?

"They said that I was envious of Aera's life, and that why the moment she passed away, I stole her fiance and child." Jimin couldn't even finish what she had to say and broke down

Hoseok rushed to her side to console her. Thank God they were in Hoseok's office and not in the cafeteria. Now he understands why Jungkook asked him to bring some homemade lunch for Jimin

Besides the point, how could those two say such things? Hoseok decided that he needed to have a one-on-one conversation with the two girls since they went too far

"Jimin, please don't cry. You know that's not the truth. Remember how you used to come to me complaining that Jungkook won't leave you alone? And remember that I was the one that told you to give him a chance?"

Jimin just nodded like a child, and Hoseok saw that as a good sign and went on with what he wanted to say

"Jimin, even if you were envious of Aera, it was none of their business, but I know you were not. You loved her too much, and she was taken from you at a young age

They don't know what you went through, and they probably never will. Don't let such people's words affect you. You are a good person and a great wife and mother

No one tries to see that because they are all focused on your financial background, but you know what Yoongi and I see?

A great young woman who put her life on pause just to take care of her deceased friend's child, a girl who also made sure that same friend's fiancé did not lose himself to the alcohol

Thanks to you Jungkook is not also dead and thanks to you Jungkook and Aera have the relationship that they have now and you did all of that without asking for anything in return so no Jimin you did not steal anybody's fiancé

I always believe that you were the one Jungkook was meant to be with, and Aera was the bridge that led you to your destiny."

Everything that Hoseok just told her is true. I mean, when Aera was born, Jungkook blamed her because of her his love died, and never wanted anything to do with her

Since every time he looked at her he was reminded of his dead fiancé, he did not even name her, but thanks to Jimin the two have a relationship now Jimin does not know this but that's one of the reasons Jungkook started falling for her

Hoseok truly believes that Aera was a bridge that both Jimin and Jungkook needed to cross to get to each other because, until today, it doesn't make sense to him

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