Chapter - 36

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We were back in his car and he was driving us somewhere god knows where. I rubbed my palms to create heat cause cold was getting unbearable and that's when he turn on the heater on full mode.

Jai wrapped a new handkerchief on my wrist the moment we got inside the car. We didn't even talk since he wished me.

How can I forget my own birthday ?

There were number of questions circling my heads.

After what felt like hours he stopped the car and moved out.

We were back to house.

I too came out but without saying anything he started walking towards straight without even waiting for me.

I wanted to match his speed but my condition was not that great and top of that this saree. I reached upto door and saw him opening the door with keys.

He just threw the doors open and swiftly walked upstairs without even checking if I was inside the house or not.

And that curt behaviour of him really pierce in heart into more pieces if possible. It affect me more than it should.

He confuse me to the core. Sighing I got in and shut the door and went to my room.  I assured it twice that I had locked the door unlike before.

After freshing up I laid on bed and by that time it showed was 11:30.

What caused him to change his mind so drastically ?

Off course that action was just an impulse decision of him nothing more nothing less !

I cover my face making me out of my dreamland. I was assuring myself that I was fine and safe. Later I felt my eyes being heavy and sleep taking over me.




Next day I woke up with worst headache and mild fever.

What a great birthday morning.

I must be first girl who woke up at noon on her own birthday.

I heard the some knocking so I got up lazily and opened the door.

"HAPPY  BIRTHDAY  SAMAIRA !" Riya came screaming inside the room. When I looked around I saw so many gifts laying on near my cupboard.

How come I didn't see them before?

Because you just woke up dumbo !

"What's all this?"

"Oh those are from Mom and Dad. They had everything nicely prepared but had to stay there because my aunt forced them too, Dad just called me they left from there and will be back in half hour." Riya spoke in one go as if she wanted to give the answers to every unasked questions.

"Oh okay then how you came?"

"I asked Dhruv to drop me and they both just left." Riya said with sad face.

"Left? Where?" I asked her looking at her face it seemed it's serious.

"Dhruv went to his home town as his granny is little unwell and about bhai he went back to Canada."


H-He  l-left ?

When I heard those words suddenly all scenes from last night started flashing infront of me. I can't explain what I was feeling that moment, I-I was really loss of words.

Hurt ?

Pain ?

Anger ?

Sad ?

Betrayal ?

I don't know !


Before I could ask her when did he left she told me.

"Last night bhai called me that you guys were home and as I was already awake because I wanted to wish you first on your birthday but your phone was switched off. Later Bhai texted me at 3 in morning that he is leaving for Canada but he didn't tell me for how long." She explained me but I was still in trance.

"Aunty must sa-"

"Yes she is sad by his sudden departure. Okay now get fresh we'll have breakfast sorry lunch."


Since mom left I don't feel celebrating my birthday but these people are hell bend to celebrate it, they think it'll make me happy but who will tell them the truth.

So later I informed Riya to bring some cupcakes and chocolates and done.

But it was whole different scenario. I tried to mask it but I couldn't.

I still can't believe he left or should I say ran away so he won't have to justify his actions.

Wow !  Just Wow !

The day was spend well. I tried to mask my emotions when Aunty was scolding Jai over phone and asking him tones of questions. We had movie night all of us, Riya was stealing glances towards me from time to time but I was faking my excitement towards movie.



After that day I decided to make more efforts to make myself happy.

I did everything to keep my mind sane. I even started to go to office to keep myself busy in other work rather than sulking and over thing.

Here first Meera aunty was happy when Jai started to talk to her like how he used to in early days but now its becoming worst. It's almost three months that he is being irregular in calling and receiving calls but Dhruv assured us as he too left Canada last month .

Dhruv never fails to ease up uncle's sorrows.





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