Chapter - 14

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I knocked the door and waited after some time one lady opened it she was little doubtful about who must have come at this time.

"Hello actually I came here for Samaira is she here ?" I asked her.

She moved a little so I can come inside but I felt it was unappropriate to get in the house at this time so I stood near the door.

What ?

I can be Gentlemen if I want to.

"W-whaat  No ! There is no one named Samaira he-re I guess you must be searching for previous family we are new h-ere ." She said while shuttering a little. He looked at her. He thought maybe she was afraid that she was talking to stranger at this time of night.

"How long you people have been living here ?" I asked doubtfully. I was confused did I came on correct address ?

Before she could reply a loud sound of something crashing down flowed by baby's cry came. She looked at the stairs and said "That's my kid, he must be scared. Sorry." She smiled nervously.

I nodded to her and was about to turned towards door when I saw the purse which was on the sofa. I felt as if I have seen it before.

Wait does it belongs to Samaira? But I couldn't ask that to her when I myself was doubtful.

I came and sat in the car. I was feeling something was off about that women. I banged my hand on steering wheel which caused to horn loudly. I put my head down and closed my eyes on wheel feeling frustrated about all this fucked up situation.

After few minutes realization hit me and my went eyes wide open from shock.

Fuck ! That Purse !

"SHIT  SHIT  SHIT ! IT  WAS  HER  PURSE ! " Riya and Samaira they both used to buy same branded things but in different colour and top of it he had a little doubt on that weird women too.

I got out and ran towards door banging it again but now it was louder. This time no one was responding.

The door opened after good 10 to 15 minutes before the lady could react I entered the house without her permission and started looking around.

'Fuck that Gentlemen mode'.

"Excuse me whoever you are you can't just barge in my house."

I went near the sofa where I saw the purse and took that purse. I opened it and searched inside it, there it was a credit card, few cash, a mobile... Mobile !  It was her mobile !!!

I glared at that lady. "Where is she ?" I yelled at her not caring about the any damn thing.

"First who are you? And I don't know what yo-" She spoke now she is testing my patience I groaned in anger and walked towards her dangerously.

"Listen up you women I respect you just tell me where is she otherwise I'm calling police without thinking straight."

She shivered and was about to say but again the loud sound came from upstairs.

This time I looked at her then upstairs and again looked at her. She gulped down and looked down as she was trying to hide something. I ran upstairs and banged the every door. In first one there was baby sleeping peacefully. I checked other rooms too but nothing was wrong but I had a gut feeling that something is wrong. I was thinking if there is no one here than where that sound came from ?

I was near staircase as was about to descend down when I saw something which proved it that Samaira was here. I bent down and took it.

"SHE IS HERE !" I took the anklet and showed it to the women who was looking up. I knew it belonged to Samaira because it was me who kept it near the nightstand in her room the next day. I apologized her too while she was sleeping. My heart almost swell when I saw those dries tears and little bruise on her elbow.

Now quit cursing me you audience ! !

The day after party was over when I went back to my room and I saw it near my broken frame it must have fallen down when I dragged her out of my room. I know I shouldn't have acted on my impulse but she herself makes me do it. At that time anger took over me and was about to throw it out of window but stopped in middle my hand hanging in the air when I remember her face from morning how upset she was. Something stopped me and then I didn't even realized when I kept it in drawer thinking I'll give her back at right time without her being noticed.

"I don't know who are you and why are you asking about her but please leave before it goes out of hand !" She spoke.

"Tell me where the fuck is she! What did you do with her ?"I yelled again not caring about baby who was sleeping few distance away she opened her mouth to say but I cut her off "DARE YOU LIE TO ME !" I groaned.

"O-on  th-the  te-terace please don't hurt her !" she said in low tone but clear enough to hear. I ran without looking back.

Huh why would I hurt her ?

I just came to take her back !

Once I reached on terrace the scene infront of him shocked me. I stood in place where I was.

"What the fuck !"





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