Chapter 8

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(Then the security robots came to inspect Eve,the 2 pups and the other robots wall-e quickly goes into box form while the pups,woofster and spot hides behind him. The white and red colored robot comes to each robot and scans them. When the white and red colored robot comes to the gang he went to the next robot but he stops and looked back to the spot where wall-e and the rest were but he shrugs it off and moved on but it came when he scans eve and the 2 pups an alarm went off and the room went green the gang looked around in confusion they looked and saw Eve,Cindy and Emily being put in the cart with the white and red colored robot)

Wall-E: EVE!

Woofster: Wait for us!

(The gang follows them into an elevator but then m-o saw a trail of dirt that leads into the elevator he gets off the line and starts cleaning the floor)

*Meanwhile in the elevator*

(The gang sits in the elevator while they were behind the security robots)

Woofster: Don't worry cindy were with you every step of the way

(Then the elevator doors open and they come out to see a lot of robots moving they were too busy looking around they didn't notice the security robots leave wall-e lets out a scream while watching them leave)

Two-Tone: What do we do now?

(Wall-E had an idea he sticks his feet out which stops the robots moving it gave the gang a chance to get on the lane and moves along the hallway while looking for eve,cindy and emily then they spotted them)

Wall-E: EVE!

Lucky: There they are!

(The gang speeds off after them as they were following eve and the 2 pups they noticed a human sitting on a hover chair it took them by surprise the human was talking with someone on a screen in front of him then they came into an intersection in the hallway and see a lot of humans in hover chairs.)

Precious: Wow here are the humans

Patch: We can know about them later now let's find our friends

Pups,Spot and Woofster: Right!

(They continued straight through the intersection. Once they go more down the intersection they were able to see a big place that looked like a city)

Lucky: Wow this is so cool

Two-Tone: I like it

Patch: It does look cool

(Then a announcer talked)

Announcer: Buy N Large everything you need to be happy your day is very important to us

(As the gang was looking around the place a human hovers to them)

Human: Hey drink-bot. Here, take the cup hey take the cup

(The human leans over to wall-e but as he leans over he falls off the chair this shocks the gang. Then two security robots appeared and stand next to the human)

Security Robots: Please remain stationary. A service-bot will be here to assist you momentarily

(Then wall-e started to help the human but as he was doing that the human was confused on what was going on and wall-e successfully put him into his chair.)

Wall-E: Wall-E

John: Uh....John

Wall-E: Eve?

John: No. John

(John thought that wall-e was asking if he's name was Eve)

Lucky: I think he's thinking that wall-e is asking if he's name is eve

Precious: Yeah but does anyone sees the cart that has our friends in it?

(Wall-E looks and sees their friends on a transportation vehicle)

Wall-E: EVE!

Woofster: He sees them!

Cadpig: Wait for us wall-e!

(They follow it and jump in just in time. The problem was that there was a woman in the way the gang was trying to get her attention but she was talking with someone on the screen then wall-e touches the chair's headrest where the speakers are. He moves the sides out, which causes the screen to disappear. She looks around confused and the gang finally got her attention)

Wall-E: Wall-E

Mary: Uh...Mary

Wall-E: Eve

(Wall-E points to Eve and the 2 pups)

Mary: Oh. Sure. Go ahead

(She moves out of the way which gives enough room for the gang to pass by.)

Wall-E: Eve

Woofster: Glad were by them

Cadpig: Let's just hope we don't get separated

101 Dalmatians the series: The Pups,Spot and Woofster meets Wall-EWhere stories live. Discover now