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Long chapter for my favourite people!

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Long chapter for my favourite people!

TW: Mentions of rape/sexual assault.

~Malfoy Manor~

Athea was nervous as she exited the cramped carriage. Something that had always powerfully confused her was how she could always see the grim, gaunt and ghostly appearances of the thestrals. She wondered how that could possibly be, she couldn't recall ever witnessing someone whom had died. The only death she had ever been aware of was her sisters, but she wasn't there when it happened. Maybe it was a bug, a glitch in the system. She could be imaging them for all she knew. After all the events of the past year it wasn't really any form of concern for her.

When Athea had started fifth year she didn't expect that her boyfriend would be imprisoned in Azkaban by the end of it. Nor did she think she would be shagging Draco Malfoy. The world was full of surprises, she thought.

As Athea passed one of the death-like horses, she let her hand gently stoke its rough forehead. To others, it would seem as if she was insane-to them she would be caressing thin air, when in reality she's touching a creature that was known as omens of misfortune and aggression by many wizards and witches. She argued that they were misunderstood animal's, their looks and backstory just did them terribly wrong.

Her feet carried her onwards, there were students left right and centre-all brimming with excitement because they would be returning home. To see their loving families, to arrive back to their safe place and relax during the summer. Athea knew it wouldn't be the same for her, it never was really. 

Her friends were walking beside her. Mila to her left, Blaise to her right and Draco next to him. Ahead of her was Harry Potter and his companions-Athea did not miss the blush that roamed Hermione Grangers's cheeks when she sneaked a glance at Mila.

As Athea stared at the back of Harry's head, she couldn't control the small piece of guilt she felt in her chest. It was her former boyfriend who had killed his godfather, maybe the gryffindor still thought she was with Nolan, she hoped not.

"I'm gonna go ahead a bit, I'll owl you guys later." Blaise spoke up. He placed a kiss on both Mila and Athea's cheeks and patted Draco's back as a goodbye.

"Wait, where are y-" Mila attempted to question him, but Blaise was already off.

Athea watched him jog over to where Luna Lovegood was walking. He quickly pulled her aside and it seemed that he was interrogating her with a look of concern on his face. She wasn't really proud of what she did next, she was usually someone who respected others privacy. But, her curiosity got the best of her as she cast a quick spell to help her hear was the Slytherin and Ravenclaw were saying.

"Blaise, you seem sad. Did the nargles steal your shoes aswell?" Luna asked with a small shine in her blue, ice-like eyes.

Blaise gently cupped her jaw and turned her face in different directions to inspect her. "No, they didn't, love." He furrowed his brows when he found a cut on her pink lips. "Are you okay? You got this treated, didn't you?"

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