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Long chapterrrr

Mature scenes


Athea knew what she wanted, she felt like she knew for a long time now and she had finally found the confidence that had been seeping deep inside her-the confidence that had been broken down, brick by brick until it was a broken pile of rubble left unfixed. There were still some crumpled ingots, there was no doubt about that, but overtime this collapsed self-esteem had began to rebuild and form into something that awoke this new found of belief in herself. It had been a long awaited journey, and she would still have a long way to go, but for now she was pleased with how far she had come from that scared, scrawny girl she used to be.

There were things in Athea's future that were still unknown, they could be good things, but also terrible things. She was positive that unexpected action would head her way and she also knew that thing don't always go as planned, but Athea concluded that it was best to not think on the matter and choose to live in the moment.

And in this moment, all she could think about was Draco.

He occupied her mind quite often these past few weeks, from flirty glances in the great hall, to witty comments while they studied, and not to mention many, many more occurrences that ended up with his tongue down her throat and his fingers working inside of her. However, every time Athea would notice how he also was aroused during their...special interactions, he would never let her return the favour and please him the way he does to her. She knew he was still cautious around her, even though she would repeatedly tell him that she was completely comfortable with what they were doing, but he still refused to let her pleasure him. He insisted that 'This is about you, love.'

That's why Athea found herself making her way to Draco's dorm on a late Saturday night, her chin raised high and determination her only focus.

She had grown so much since the start of the school year, what, from being trapped in a disgusting relationship and manipulated into love, to feeling like a detached feather-free and bristling through the wind on a new-born adventure. She was ready to give herself to Draco, fully, and show him how far she had come-all because of him. Athea didn't know where she would be at this moment in time if Draco hadn't decided to pay close attention to her this year. He had saved her from both her ex boyfriend and her father, she couldn't be more thankful.

Once Athea reached his door she hesitated for a small moment, her fist stopped in mid air, halting a knock. She set her jaw before gripping the handle tightly, pushing the door open and striding in will full confidence.

Her breathing hitched at the sight before her.

Lavender brown sat comfortably on the silk sheets Draco had first made Athea orgasm on, a disgusted look on the gryffindors face as she eyed the slytherin up and down, her sneer full of detest.

Before the dirty blonde haired girl could come up with a cruel statement, Draco walked out of his bathroom, a towel handing around is waist, small water drops leaking down his light, pale skin and his striking hair damp and messy.

He froze in place, his facial expression seemed even more shocked to see Lavender in his dorm than Athea. He glanced between the two girls, mouth opening and closing at a loss for words, before his brows furrowed and he let out a, "The fuck?"

Athea felt a knife press against her heart, her throat began to tighten as she took in the scene her eyes looked over. Could he...would he? Would he actually do this? To her? After she trusted him, after she let him touch her in ways she would never let anyone else-Athea never thought it would come to this.

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