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Tw: panic attack.

The days passed quickly, too quickly for Athea's liking. Her and Draco trained, and trained, and trained. Training in occulmency. Practicing duelling with Draco was much more enjoyable when Bellatrix wasn't around, mostly because it would lead to heated sessions against a wall, on a chair or on a table. She was just thankful Narcissa never caught them. School would start tomorrow, meaning The Dark Lord was also here to inform the two about the task he had been saving to tell them today. Whatever it was, they knew it would be something dark, out of their element and pure evil—but they had no choice, neither of them did.

"You have both been training with Bellatrix, correct?" Voldemort walked around Athea while grazing his finger along his wand. Draco stood next to her as they both kept their heads down and eyes glued to the floor, not daring to meet the Dark Lord's stare.

"Yes, my Lord." Draco answered.

"Hm." He hummed and stopped infront of Athea. "I assume you have improved your duelling and occlumency abilities, daughter?"

Athea grimaced but nodded her head. "Yes, father."

"Show me." Voldemort grinned before sitting on the large throne in the drawing room.

Draco and Athea had recently prepared for this. They knew that The Dark Lord would be visiting to check up on Athea's progress, so they planned out their routine for duelling.

Once Draco nodded his head, Athea pointed her wand at Draco, sending a mild hex his way that struck his shoulder as he hissed in fake pain. Preparing for his spell, she put up a defensive shield and skilfully blocked his jinx. They did this a few more times, Athea allowing some of Draco's spells to hit her so it wouldn't look fake, and after a while Voldemort stopped them.

"You've gotten better." He nodded but didn't move from his seat. "However, I want to see you perform a stronger spell. How about...the cruciatus curse?"

Athea froze, her insides turned as a sickening feeling washed over her like a tidal wave. She stared at the snake-like man in pure shock, her lips parted—breath catching in the back of her throat.

Voldemort glared at her. "I'm waiting, Athea. Or would you rather me perform the spell on you to show you how it's done?"

"She doesn't, my Lord." Draco spoke up, and Athea turned to look at him with wide eyes. His lips were set in a thin line, an emotionless expression coated on his features. He met her eyes and mouthed 'It's okay.'

Her fingers trembled around her wand as she shook her head lightly, just enough for him to see. Draco's fists tightened, 'please' he mouthed to her again, and Athea's bottom lips quivered as she lifted her arm.

Tears were forming in her eyes, but she forced them down—putting up her walls to attempt to stop any signs of weakness Infront of Voldemort.

She mouthed 'I'm sorry."

Her voice slightly broke as she said it. "Crucio."

The way Draco fell to the floor screaming in torturous agony and pain knocked the bricks from Athea's wall. All she could do was look away as he screeched—it was breaking her on the inside. She felt empty, wanting nothing more than to remove the spell and rush over to him. It was like there was a tornado inside of her, her bones felt so tense that it was as if they had been frozen to ice. Guilt ripped at her veins and consumed her blood like venom. She felt repulsive, disgusted with herself even if she was being forced to do this. She was hurting the one person that she fully trusted, she felt as if she was betraying him, drowning at the sound of his suffering. Stop. Stop. Stop. Please let it stop.

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