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Jasmine's P.O.V


"Awwwww, do you have to go?"

I turn to see...

 my little brother looking at me in sadness

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... my little brother looking at me in sadness.


Yeah, I wish I'd stay longer but I've got a job to do." I said before bringing him into a hug and he hugged back. "Besides I'll be back within a week."

"But that's still too long." He whined as we separated.

"You're whining about a few days." I muttered.

"Still!" He exclaimed making me chuckle then I ruffled up his hair.

"The scouts need everyone on board, including me." I told him.

"Will you now tell me why you joined the scouts?" He asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I responded and he groaned in annoyance.

"Argh! You always say that!" He yelled as he glared at me.

"(Chuckles) You'll find out someday little brother. For the time being I need you to look after Mia for me and get yourself a friend." I told him.

"I'll look after Mia but the friend part... can wait." He responded.

"Okay." I agreed before rising up and turning to my mom holding Mia.

" I agreed before rising up and turning to my mom holding Mia

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"Be safe out there." Mom said.

"I always am." I said before hugging my mom then taking Mia from her.

"Don't give mommy, daddy and big bro trouble now." I said before kissing her forehead and handing her back to mom.

I turn to my father.

I turn to my father

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The One Punch Titan(AOT x Male Titan Reader) Book 1(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now