3:Together Again

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Hey y'all... sorry for leaving y'all hanging like that. My bad.🥺


But first... I'm angry and disappointed with most of y'all.😠

Why the hell does this book have over two thousand readers while the other is two hundred and something. People why are you neglecting this book's brother!?

Why? He needs the same love as well. The One Punch Titan and Blood, Sweat, Tears and Titans are the same book with different main characters!

Since most of y'all neglecting the other there's gonna be a few or a lot of scenes missing from all coming chapters that will be on the other book. So if ya don't want to miss anything get the other book.

I'm done. With that done and said.


Previously on The One Punch Titan...

One of the Titans grabbed Jasmine by her left arm and the two began to pull as she screamed in tremendous pain.

'THEY'RE GONNA RIP ME IN HALF!!!' Jasmine screamed mentally.

'I can't die like this... I promised I'd come back.' Jasmine thought but the pain was too unbearable and slowly everything went black.

Jasmine takes one more look around and sees she was on a big field of grass.

'Then I did I survive the night? I'm at a open space where any Titan could have walked up on me.' Jasmine thought.

"What the Fu--" A Titan landed in front of Jasmine, it's impact shook the ground so violently that it's force had her in the air for a few seconds before she fell on my back.

Jasmine groaned in pain before sitting up while coughing to the dust around her. Suddenly the dust is blown away by a big wind, the wind kinda smelled bad but at least it was taking care of the dust.

Once the dust was taken care of she looks up to see the Titan from yesterday looking down on her with it's blue eyes.

"Morning Jasmine." The Titan spoke.

"I'm surprised not a single Titan tried to take me from you." Jasmine stated.

"My kind... fear me... when I... show up... they run." It replied.

"Hey, is there a Titan just like you?" Jasmine asked.

"No. I... have been... alone." It responded and she kinda felt bad for it.

"But I... came across... this female... Titan." It said.

"Aera, that... was her... name." The Titan said and Jasmine looked at it in sadness.

'This was it's lover.' She thought.

"How... did she die?" She asked asked.

"A Titan." It replied and she looked at it in surprise.

"Mom! Dad! Y/N! Mia! Are you here!? It's me Jasmine! I'm home!" Jasmine yelled but no response.

"I quit." Jasmine muttered before taking off her Wings of Freedom cape.

"What?" The Titan questioned.

"What's the point of fighting when you don't have a reason to?" She muttered before sitting on the sand. "My family is gone and I'm the last one left... I'm alone now."

The One Punch Titan(AOT x Male Titan Reader) Book 1(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now