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Y/N's P.O.V

"Wow, you were hungry." Jasmine muttered at her little brother.

"I have barely eaten anything for the past year so don't (burps) judge me." Lil Y/N stated and Jasmine shook her head to his response.

"So, how was the apple big guy?" She asked looking up at me.

"Tasty." I replied honestly.

"Tasty in what manner? Good or bad?" She asked.

"Very Good." I confirmed.

"Oh, well that's great." She remarked with a smile.

"Was that your first?" Y/N asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay. So you've been eating this good for the past year?" He asked his sister.

"Yep, pretty much." Jasmine responded.

"Lucky you. Where'd you even find them?" I asked.

"Oh around. Titan Y/N and I would walk around the island all the time and if we ever came across any fruit trees or edible animals I'm taking it with me." She replied.

"Woah, so you still got more?" He asked.

"I've got more than I need back at my barn." She said.

"Wait, Barn!?" He questioned.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" She asked.

"No! You never mentioned any barn!" He stated then she turned to me.

"I didn't?" She asked herself before turning to me.

"Yes... you must... have forgotten." I replied.

"Whoa, let's go. You gotta see this." She said to her brother.

Before Lil Y/N could reply I picked both of them up and placed them on my head, once they were ready I began walking towards Jasmine's barn.

"Whoa! I've never been this high before so slow your pace big guy!" I hear Lil Y/N exclaim and I obliged to his request.

"Don't worry, with me by your side you won't fall." Jasmine said to her brother before lightly tapping my head. "Do the thing you always do big guy!"

I raised a thumbs up before slowly bending my knees.

"Whoa, what's going on? Why is he bending!? Is he about to jump!?" Lil Y/N questioned in fear.

"Hold on... tight." I warned before leaping high in the air.

I could hear Lil Y/N scream in terror at the height we were.

"Hey! I can see the Walls from up here!" Jasmine pointed out. "Hey Y/N, do you see-- Y/N!!!"

I hear Jasmine scream out in horror as I wonder the reason and I'm answered when I see Lil Y/N falling beside me unconscious. I reached out to him and catch him before he plummeted to the ground and died, he slowly fluttered his eyes open then looks around before looking down and gasping to the height.

"WE'RE GONNA DIIIIIEEEE!!!" Lil Y/N screamed before I landed on the ground.

"We... have arrived." I reported.

"Put me down!" Lil Y/N yelled and I did so.

Suddenly Jasmine swung down to my face using a string of my hair.

"Thanks, big guy!" She exclaimed before leaning to my forehead. "Mwah! Oh, where would we be without ya?"

I nodded then helped her to the ground and she rushed to check on her brother. I rise from the landing and see as the two walks towards...

The One Punch Titan(AOT x Male Titan Reader) Book 1(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now