Falling into a new world

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I missed the jump as Mashu tried to catch me our fingertips grazing past each other Mash looking like she is about to jump in to save me but I took the choice out of her hands this time.

Y/N: Mashu Kyrielight by ordee of my command seal leave and make sure that both Humanity and Chaldea is restored and live a wonderful life.

I could see her crying trying to deny the order but I won't let her die for me twice. Guess I didn't move fast enough to survive but maybe I saved all of humanity just maybe. I see one of the stars shoot towards me as the world above becomes a speck in the darkness surround me my body sinking into it further and further as the light got closer I see Jeanne before me grabbing my hand looking into my left eye with worry before, everything went black then a sensation of wind hitting my back as air ripped through my ears as if I was falling in Babylon or France again. I see that we are both approaching the ground fast over a forest outside of a town.

I placed myself between the ground and Jeanne who seemed to be unconscious, holding her close as I hit the trees and the ground feeling the ground become a crater under me as trees were blown down or destroyed by the impact. I felt Jeanne shuffle in my embrace shifting to look up at me here eyes full of worry looking at me as the world went dark for a bit when I came to we weren't in the forest bit rather a house, I could feel pressure on my left side as well a something around my right eye. Looking down I see Jeanne sleeping next to me, the moonlight making her appear even or angelic then she normally would, but I needed to see myself after everything to see what happened to me as I should be dead. I slid out of bed putting a pillow under Jeanne's head gentle as I walk out of the room to find a mirror or something to see myself. I had bandages covering my right eye and my Mystic code was destroyed. I me heard two people approaching behind me turning to see an old man and woman standing there.

Old Man: Oh it's just you, see dear I told you nothing to worry about it's just the boy that we took in with his girlfriend.

Old Woman: oh thank goodness your awake when you arrived we thiught for sure she had lost you but she was certain. You were going to be fine just needed a place to rest for the night, let me go see if we have any spare clothes for you.

The old man waited for her to leave before continuing our conversation.

Old man: Originally I thought you two were devils or Fallen angels approaching to try and kill us, but now I can see what you both are and I'm glad we were able to help you kids.

Y/N: Fallen Angel? Devil?

Old man: ah you must be unaware all you need to know is there is three factions Angel, Fallen Angels, and Devols, they all fought in a great war that recently ended and is still on uneasy grounds.

Y/N: Why would they be after you?

Old man: I'm a old mage and grew powerful and famous, earned enough through my work, to help others. My son wants us to move t I rome with him.

Y/N: Why does your son want you to move out there?

Old man: he is an exorcist for the church and thinks we will be safer there then here, but I just don't want to leave this all behind without someone to care for it.

He looked at me with a smile.

Old man: I guess I can take you both in as wards and head to Rome leaving this place with you two, of course you will need to attend school.

Y/N: Why help us?

Old man: Because you both looked like you could use the help, and your remind me of my youth with my wife. So about that school I have one just in mind for you two to go to.

Y/N: I'll trust you on that, you know this place better than us.

Old man: Okay we head there tomorrow.

Humanities Avenger (FGO) x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now