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Y/N: So Actually Satan when did you get here?

Archer: I'm going to have to ask you to stop calling me Satan.

Y/N: To bad, I find it funny because your too similar to what they expect of Satan.

Archer: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/N: I'm not going to explain I'll let someone else explain when the time is right.

Jeanne: Your just hoping someone will come along and call him that to aren't you?

Y/N: Please we live in a world where devils and fallen angels are still around so someone will call him satan other then me, just need to wait for the hypocrisy of the church.

Archer: Your not wrong they are very hypocritical, fucking Kirei.

Y/N: Who the fuck is Kirei I was just refering to theany atrocities they help or did nothing to stop and the persecution of other groups.

Archer: You don't want to know.

Y/N: Fair enough anyway, Jeanne and I should be heading off to school, Archer I assume you will follow out of sight?

Archer: Indeed until we know why we are here it is for the best we remain in contact.

We walked out heading to school feelingore then just Archer's eyes on us.

Jeanne: Their watching us now.

Y/N: I wonder why were they there when Issei died watching it happen or did they sense our fighting the fallen? Either way just act normal they might just leave us alone.


We arrived at the school running into Issei which made, me deep down angry that they wouldn't leave him to his eternal rest instead bringing him back as a devil.

Issei: Y/N! I'm so glad to see you, I am not crazy right I had a girlfriend named Yuuma and your saw her right?

Jeanne looked at me for a second eyes pleading me to tell the truth to Issei.

Y/N: No I Don't remember a Yuuma perhaps your imagining things.

Issei: But your were there I remember it clear as day!

Y/N: Shut up Issei, after school I will explain it all to many eyes and ears here.

Issei: Okay then, I'll see you after school.

Y/N: Good, have a nice day Issei.

We walked away with Jeanne elbowing me slightly.

Jeanne: You could have been a bit nicer on telling him to stop talking.

Y/N: No he needs someone to be strict and stern with him, or he truly will die early again in his new life. Besides it will help him grow fast with those actually being that way to him to help guide him.

Jeanne: So you do care about him and his growth.

Y/N: I have no clue what your talking about, I only said he needs specific people to help him grow as a person and into his new life.

Jeanne: You could have just said yes.

Y/N: Now your just trying to make me seem good when I really don't care.

She smirks at me as we continue, I sigh shaking my head muttering under my breath.

Jeanne: What was that?

Y/N: Nothing you need to worry about.

I tune out her, as she tries to pry for whar I said when we made it to class.


School went by a normal with us walking home with Issei as I spoke with Archer.

Y/N: make sure we aren't followed Archer, don't want to deal with to many people right now.

Archer: Right, I'll keep an eye out for anything strange around you all.

Y/N: Funny how the devils didn't approach him immediately to try and catch him up to speed on his current issue.

Archer: Yes, but perhaps just a small misstep by them or pure arrogance thinking that here they call all the shots no matter what.

Y/N: Let's see how they react to us helping their helpless comrade.

Issei: Uhh, Y/N you have been very quiet and now have a smirk on your face are you planning something?

Y/N: Maybe.

Issei: Can I ask what?

I stare at him letting him think I was debating about it before answering bluntly.

Y/N: Fuck no, your lips would slip to easy at this point.

Issei: I can keep a secret I swear!

Y/N: Answer stands drop it.

Issei: But-

I glared at him sending all my hatred into it.

Y/N: I said drop it or else.

He gulped and said nothing

We arrived home and sat down.

Y/N: Okay where to-

The door was kicked off it's hinges as it flew at me being blasted before it even got close to me.

Archer: Oh their here by the way.

Y/N: You don't FUCKING SAY!

Y/N: Jeanne did you forget to play the mob boss protection fee again?

Jeanne: both the time for jokes Y/N.

They finally walk in making me sigh as they enter seeing the familiar red head and those around her in the ORC.

Y/N: That door belongs to a great man, so what can I help you with!

Rias: What are you doing with my servant?

Y/N: That's going to get confusing fast, but for your information, your job; only better as I didn't wait to look like a hero to him a day or two later and got to work right away. Sorry not sorry.

Rias: what gives you the right to even do that?

I clear my throat.

Y/N: Listen closely this might help you later.... Fuck you, I don't play by your silly rules.

Rias: Kiba.

Y/N: Archer.

There is a moment where we stare each other down be for wind gushed around us in the room. Between us is Archer and Kiba; their blades locked against each other as Kiba was struggling to hold this ground as archer was actually just holding back putting for the minimal effort to hold him back.

Y/N: Anyway Issei where was I?

I ignored the rest turning to him as he was slack jawed at what was happening.

Y/N: Ah yes your a devil now by the way.

Issei: Wait what!?

Y/N: Did I fucking studder

Issei: What do you mean by devil!? Is this what you were smirking about earlier as a cruel joke?

Y/N: I'll explain after Archer beats most of her peerage.

Issei: But-

Y/N: Later!

With that I returned to see this beat down in full swing.

Humanities Avenger (FGO) x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now