Chapter #7

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*Your apOV*

The next day I woke up at the same time, and did my daily routine, before leaving the room quietly Poki muttered

Poki- Please be safe

Y/n- I will

Not having a car was an issue, since mt Twitch was really blowing up I was able to make an appointment at a dealership to buy a new car, maybe it wasn't the best but it was a good and cheap one, I catched an Uber for school, I was walking in the building (the first as usual) with some earphones playing music.

I was in the hallway when I saw Jordan standing in the middle alone, I took off one earphone to speak to him

Y/n- What do you want Jordan?

Jorfan- Revenge

Y/n- Forget about it, I don't want more problems, don't talk to me and we will be fine

Jordan- No, its not that easy

Y/n- Come one Jordan, let's be adults

Jordan- You weren't acting like an adult yesterday

Y/n- I was defending my girlfriend

Jordan- And now you will pay for it, I want you to meet the football team of UCLA

I slowly started to walk backwards and five big men including Jordan were surrounding me

Y/n- Gentlemen let's be rational

Bully 1- I don't think I want to be rational

Bully 2- Come on, square up

Y/n- Is there any other way to leave this?

Jordan- On a stretcher

Y/n- Ok, so one by one so I don't mess you up you twice motherfuckers

I jumped on the first one and started hitting him, but for being in disadvantage they held me and started hitting me real bad.

I was now in the floor bleeding and they were still hitting me, the last thing I remember was Jordan mocking and hitting me.

Jordan and the other guys left me unconscious and bleeding in the ground for 20 mimutes until Cara found me there, she immediately screamed for help. A teacher called an ambulance and after 15 minutes it arrived.

I was admitted to the hospital with many bruises and a broken rib.
Technically they can't do anything to me because there's no treatment for any of those things, so they only put some ice in practically all my body, I was still unconscious.

It was passed my arriving time from school, Rae was out doing some stuff and  Poki was playing Valo with Brooke so no one noticed my absence.

*Poki's POV*

Its 6 o'clock and I just finished streaming, I am really hungry and tired, I went down to eat something and noticed that the house was more quiet than other times, not the normal silence.

Poki- I know that Rae is arriving home late in the night but Y/n...

I tried calling Y/n but he didn't answer.

*Meanwhile* *Your POV*

By now I was awake but my phone was broken because Jordan threw it away after beating me up.

*Back* I called Rae

Both me and Rae didn't know anything about Y/n, it was now late and I was worried about Y/n.

*Your POV*

I was now in the way home, it was a 20 minutes ride from the hospital to home.

I arrived at the exact same time as Rae, she was parking the car when she saw me getting out of the Uber, she was about to shout at me for not telling anybody about my situation when she noticed I was a complete mess.

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