Chapter #9

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*Your POV*
*The next day*

After school I went back home, Rae and Poki were already gone and I was. I decided to stream but nobody I usually play with was on-line.

Y/n- I guess I'll do some solo things


Y/n- Hey chat, today we are alone so, what do you want to see?

Chat- Minecraft

Y/n- Imma do some speed runs

I played for so long switching from speed runs to hardcore and to bedwars with subs, after five hours I decided to call it a night and turn the stream off.


I went for some food and went back up to the room, I was really tired but tried to keep myself awake to wait for Poki to come back, it was 11 p.m and I fell asleep so I didn't notice when the girls arrived.

Poki went up to the room and because she saw me sleeping she sneaked on and hide her dress to be a surprise for me, after that she prepared and went to sleep too.

*Skip to Saturday*

I woke up early in the morning and felt good, today will be a good day, it was 6 am so I decided to go for a run

While running I thought on not streaming so I will 100% focus on the dance. After I came back from my 3 mille run I took a shower and had some breakfast, then I went to the living room and watched some episodes of the show I was watching.

It was 9 a.m when Poki woke up, she came downstairs to grab some breakfast.

Poki- Morning babe

Y/n- Morning, what are your plans for today? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out

Poki- I would love to but I was going to play some Among Us with OTV, I thought you were streaming

Y/n- I wasn't planning on it, but maybe I will

Poki- Sorry, we had it planned before you told me about prom

Y/n- Oh no problem, I think I will play some Rust with Rae and Syk

Poki- Ok, what time are we going?

Y/n- Probably 7:30 so we get there by 8:00

Poki- Perfect, I may be done at 2, so we can eat and then I'll prepare

Y/n- Sounds good, we should start streaming then

Poki- Sure, have fun

Y/n- You too

I went to stream and play some rust, then I got invited to the final rounds of Hafu's morning lobbies. By the time the Among us section ended was 1 o'clock.

Y/n- Chat I didn't think of streaming today, then I said I will be on until 2, so what should I do.

Chat viewer 72- Stay the hour
Chat viewer 95- Keep streaming
Chat viewer 49- If you want to go do it

Y/n- We can do some chatting for an hour, throw some Q's and I will give you Answers

Chat viewer 13- Have you ever been on a fight?

Y/n- Yes, I got beat up so bad

Chat viewer 13- Why?

Y/n- Long story that I rather not tell

Chat viewer 61- Thoughts on Tina?

Y/n- She's a great person, a good friend of mine and a wonderful content creator

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