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*School hasn't been great so I didn't notice we hit this milestone until a couple hours ago so I wrote a couple lines and threw it out there, hope you like it, also I wanna say thank you for this, hope we can achieve more and follow me for more stories*

*Your POV*

Y/n- Sebastian!

Seb- Fuck, I swear I didn't mean to break it

Y/n- You did what?

Seb- You've never called me Sebastian, I thought you were mad at me

Y/n- What did you break?

Seb- Uhm... I replaced it if it helps

Y/n- Seb?

Seb- Remeber that night you went to the movies ALONE?

Y/n- *Sigh* Yeah, you don't have to say it that way

Seb- Well, I threw a small party that ended early cause I may or may not broke the sink

Y/n- Which one?

Seb- The one of the bathroom, which else?

Y/n- Okay

Seb- Well, if you're not mad why you said my full name

Y/n- Oh! I was... am excited

Seb- With what exactly?

Y/n- This

I showed him my phone screen

Seb- Oh hell no, I'm not going to Murica

Y/n- But..

Seb- With all respect if your obsession leads you there I'm afraid you got a parasocial relationship with her

Y/n- First of all I'm not obsessed

Seb- Didn't you had a dream that felt like years and ended up crying cause it was all false

Y/n- I'm gonna beat the shit out of you

Seb- I wanna see you try

Y/n- Second, it's not like I'm traveling all the way there just to see her, I love conventions and this is a great opportunity to go visit Murica

Seb- *Sigh*

Y/n- I'm not forcing you, I've save enough to go but I want you to be with me

Seb- I don't know

Y/n- Think about it, we need to get the plane tickets and book the hotel

Seb- And the convention ticket

Y/n- I already bought mine

Seb- What?!

Y/n- Yeah, I told you I'm going, I just want to know if I'm going by myself or with you

Seb- Don't you have another friend that's nerd too?

Y/n- You know the answer

Seb- What about all the people you talk with now?

Y/n- If you don't want just say no

Seb- Answer

Y/n- I talk to them but I'm not close enough to invite them to Twitchcon

Seb- Let me think about it

Y/n- Sure

Seb- Send me the details, I'm going out

Y/n- Bet

Sebastian left the room.

Someone said that the best ways to get over your fears is facing them, well I thought that maybe it was the same for dreams, if want to stop thinking about it maybe I should face them.

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