Chapter #3

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*Your POV*

Y/n- *Sigh* Monday, lovely

Im already used to waking up early, but that doesn't mean I like it.

As I wuke up I started my daily morning routine, once I was ready I headed to my classroom. I'm always the first to arrive even before the teacher.

After that bad ending of the weekend I haven't checked any social media, just listening to some music and reading a book, but one thing I didn't think about while doing the show was the slight chance of someone I knew noticing my presence in that show, and thats exactly what happened.

While listening to some music head down in my desk, some people started arriving and one of them tapped my  shoulder

Y/n- Hey Emily, whats up?

Emily- Nothing much, just wanted to say that I saw your little show on Saturday

Y/n- Wait, what?!

Emily- My sister was watching it when I notice a familiar face so I started watching it with her

Y/n- Fuck! Could you please keep it as a secret?

Emily- Well, that will be a problem

Y/n- Why?

Brad- Oh Y/n! Who got rejected in front of 200 thousand people on Saturday?

Brad screamed across the room making everyone laugh at me.

Y/n- For fuck sake

Ms. Becky- Language

Said Ms. Beky entering the room, she was the math teacher (Yes, math class first period in a Monday)

Ms. Becky-  Now everyone take your sit and let's start the class

*Skip classes until lunch break*

Its been a rough day, Brad kept mocking me about what happened,  turns out that Emily showed a picture of me to everyone and explained what happened.

This can't get any worse, well I have still half of a day to get through,  hope everything goes well.

While eating with Sebastian I grabbed ny phone noticing something that put a smile on my face.

Y/n- Shut the fuck up

Seb- What?

Y/n- Shut the fuck up!

Seb- What??!!

Y/n- Poki sent me a DM

Seb- No way, you're kidding

Y/n- No, swear to God, look

Seb- Oh my God, what does it say?

Y/n- I don't know, I haven't opened it yet

Seb- What are you waiting for?

Y/n- I'm nervous

Seb- C'mon open it

Y/n- Not now, I'll wait until I arrive to  the dormitory

Seb- Don't be dumb, answer now

Y/n- Nope, and its none of your business

Seb- Remember who got you in the show?

Y/n- Touché, but still

Seb- Okay, its your life, I've done my part

Y/n- Thanks

Now I can't wait to head back to my room, all the classes seems to last hours and the emotion I feel it's evident, I'm so excited that everyone is now staring at me, it doesn't matter cause Poki just DM'ed me, but why? The reason didn't matter, she did it.

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