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Your eyes just widened as you appeared in the dark sides arms. But you tried to keep cool as Roman and Remus both glared at Deceit. Logan nodded, apparently satisfied, and sat down. You looked around the room and could sense the tension. Virgil was looking like he was watching Deceit very carefully, Roman was arguing that the light sides would be better parents, and Remus was making fun of everyone. You just shoved your face into Deceit's cape thing. He looked down, surprised for a moment, before accepting it and putting a gloved hand on your head comfortingly. Patton awed at Deceit being a total dad. Logan got up again. "Well, as you can all see, it is perfectly conceivable that Deceit/Janus could be a potential candidate for being a father, if you'll allow it." Logan finished his statement looking at Janus. Janus just nodded and looked back at you. Everyone except Patton was shocked. "Can you literally expect the liar to take good care of a child?" Virgil said, pointing at Janus, who hissed. "Well, come on Virgil! Have you ever seen Janus take care of a child? You don't know how he would act, besides me and Logan are all on board with it, and Logan I think only trusts Janus and himself to take care of anyone, so this is as good as we're gonna get." Virgil facepalmed but agreed. "No yeah, if it'll make you happy, then fine." Virgil glanced over at Deceit and had to admit he was cute with you. Roman and Remus looked at everyone in disbelief. "But he's evil!" Said Roman, gesturing at Janus holding you. "Why does he get to have a child and I don't?" Said Remus, also glaring at Janus. You just buried your face further into Janus's cape and he tried to comfort you. He stared back at Roman and Remus. "If you two keep fighting, you're just gonna prove my point that neither of you are ready to have a child." Said Logan, noticing your stress. "Anyways, it's not like you'll never see them. They will live with us, you know." Said Patton, gesturing to you. I pulled my head out of Janus's cloak and peeked around. Roman sighed again before ranting. "You know he's gonna try to use them and work them into his plans or something... it's what he always does anyway." Janus looked shocked at his statement. "I would never! They're only a child, what do you take me for?!" Janus pulled you closer to him as Roman fumed with anger. "I can't believe you guys, choosing the liar over the prince!" He tried to run up to Janus but Patton stopped him. "Please... Roman." Said Patton, trying to calm Roman down. Roman rolled his eyes. "I don't get this, Patton! Didn't you always want a child?" Patton thought for a second and shrugged. "I thought I did, but recent events have shown me otherwise." He thought back to frog Patton, the memories. Roman took in a deep breath and swerved around Patton, reaching to grab you. You felt your eyes widen as Roman grabbed you from Janus. Everyone gasped at Roman's actions, including Remus, though he's done worse. "There is a line, and you shouldn't cross it!" Said Virgil. You started to tear up. Once Janus got over his moment of intense anger at Roman, he snapped and you went right back to him. You turned your teary eyes up at Janus and he looked at you almost sadly. After you were situated again, face hidden in his cape, he turned his face to Roman. "What in your mind makes you think it's okay to take a child? Apparently it's fine when you do, but when Remus does it's so horrible. Get over yourself. You scared them and now you can't be trusted. Nice going..." Janus said, protectively putting up one of his arms to hide you from Roman. Logan cleared his throat. "Well then I believe it has been decided. Janus shall be the primary guardian of the small child." Everyone grumbled in agreement besides Roman but his opinion doesn't matter after trying to steal a child. You felt Janus sink into the ground, still holding you in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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