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A/N: Double update! Enjoy! This one is a little short too. I wrote the first few chapters to get a feel of what to write and how I'll write. 😁


Owww. Fuck. My head hurts. What the fuck happened last night?

I open my eyes and see that I made it home. I look beside me and see her sleeping soundly.

She opens her eyes and we both just stare at each other. Her beautiful face that I adore so much. She smiles at me and it melts my heart, but then I remember why I have this headache.

I saw her with him.

I saw them kiss.

Everything is a lie.

I frown and I see worry in her eyes.

"Love? You okay?" I hum in response and look into her eyes. She caresses my cheek and I reach up and hold her hand in place.

I lean down and kiss her lips so gently. It doesn't feel the same.

"Mmm...Lisa..." She moans into our kiss, but my mind flashes.

"Mmm...Lisaaa..." Another woman's voice moans my name in my head, but I don't know who it is.

"Hey...Lisa?" I realized we stopped kissing and she is looking at me with her swollen lips.

I wipe it from my mind and look at the woman I love.

I love her.


I still love her?

"Stay...don't go..." I hear the woman's voice again.

What the fuck is happening?

I position myself on top and kiss her passionately.

"I love you Lisa." She fixes my bangs and bites her bottom lip.

"I love you too Yiren."


After an interesting morning, I head to the office.

What do they say? Another day...another dollar...

Being a young CEO here in Seoul was never in my plans. I built an entertainment empire and all around business in Thailand, but it didn't work out as well until I expanded to Korea. KPOP has been taking the entertainment world by storm, which I get to say I am now part of.

I never expected to thrive and move to Seoul, but business is great here. I hope to be able to bring more of the entertainment side back to Thailand versus just my Hotel Chains over there.


Meetings after meetings...

It's lunch time and I still have a massive headache. This morning I thought I wanted to make love to Yiren, but then I got a phone call that an emergency meeting for the hotel chain project I have here in Seoul. One of the shareholders wants to drop the project saying that the hotel chain won't work well here in South Korea like in Thailand.

The meeting didn't last long. I handed him a check buying his shares and left him there with his eyes about to pop out of his head. He started to plead that he wanted to stay a shareholder and that he made a mistake, but I Lalisa Manoban don't give a fuck. Go against me and my company, the door is wide open for you to leave.

Incoming call...Yiren ❤️...

"Hi you. I miss you. Did you eat?" I hear her giggle.

"I'm about to. Did you? Want to grab lunch together?"

"YAH STOP!" She loud whispers. I can fucking hear you. Of course he is there.

Excuse that you can't join me for lunch...

And Go...

"I have a meeting in 30mins, but count me in for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah...sure..." I clench my phone tightly trying to stay calm when I know he is right there with her.

"Not going to be late again are we?" I deadpan. She silent for a moment.

"I...Lisa...I told you the pr-"

"Project I know. For an Executive Assistant, they seem to be making you do a lot. You should just come and work for me." I say annoyed.

"Lisa...I already told you. I would love to work with you, but I need something of my own. I'm finishing architectural school soon and they are letting me be the Executive Assistant and an Intern. So I'm basically doing two jobs. We already discussed this." She says annoyed back.

"Then when you finish school. Come and be my architect? Then I can work late nights with you..." I say in a soft tone.


"Yeah...yeah I know...you need to do it on your own. Sorry I just miss you. You've been distant lately and I know it's because your working hard...so dinner tonight okay?"

"Yes. Dinner. Okay I got to go...bye, I'll see you later..."

"I lo-" The phone call ends. I throw my phone across the office and I see the screen shatter.

I can't do this anymore...

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