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A/N: IT HAS ALMOST BEEN A YEAR...I'm sooooooooooo sorry 😭 I really just haven't been in the writing mood as I keep saying. Forgive me again. Enjoy!


I was suppose to drive up to Busan, but Lisa insisted that we use her Jet plane since she is coming.

I was also suppose to work tonight, but it's my extra time off for relaxation and maid of honor duties.

"Okay I just got off the phone with my Captain and he said the Jet should be ready in 3 hours."

"Lisa, we could've drove. Or I could've bought a plane ticket myself. You didn't have to."

"I'm coming and I want to. It's a lot easier to avoid paparazzi or dispatch...whatever it's called here. It sucks being a CEO, but rumors of my divorce have been leaked and I don't need a scandal right now."

"So I'm a scandal."

"Ruby Jane it's not like that. In Thailand or USA, I and people could care less or not as much, but here they are brutal about things like this. Especially to anyone well known or famous."

"Very true. I don't need my family in the limelight either. This just in...the Kim heiress of the use to be best company in Korea is now a stripper! Thank Jisoos that I use an eye mask when I perform."

"Exactly...okay ready?"

"Yeah...let me just take a quick look around my room to make sure I didn't forget anything." I was about to head upstairs when Lisa grabs me by the wrist. I look at her confused.

"Your not a scandal okay? You have been a great friend the past week. I honestly realized that I don't have many friends that I could trust. Literally it is just you and my chipmunk."

"I thought you had cats and a dog?"

"Chipmunk is my childhood best friend."

"Oh...Right...let me go check for my stuff again?" She nods and let's me go. I run up the stairs and check around my room if I need anything.


We get to the airstrip and I see Lisa's Jet plane. I'm fucking scared. I hate flying. It's why I insisted we drive.

Just breath Jennie...

"Jen?" I start to hyperventilate.

"Ruby Jane?"

"Hey..." Then I feel a pair of soft lips on mine waking me from my anxiety attack.

"What was that for?"

"I was calling your name and you wouldn't get out of whatever trance you were in. I was worried. Kissing you was all I could think I could do. Why didn't you tell me you hate flying?"

"I don't hate...hate it. Okay I hate it and it just makes me uneasy. That's why I bring my Nini Bear if I fly." I pull the bear from my bag and show Lisa.

"You sure you still want to fly? We can drive? Sorry for insisting to fly."

"No it's okay. We are here already and they prepared your Jet. It has been awhile that's all." She squeezes my hand and smiles at me. We walk into the the Jet plane and head to our seats.

"Come sit next to me. The only people here are you, me, the pilot and flight attendant. The pilot and flight attendant are my good family friends. They are married and they've always hated Yerin, so don't worry."

"Lisa! My goodness! It has been way too long!" They hug each other and I sit there feeling a bit awkward.

"Dara Unnie, this is Jennie or Ruby Jane. Ruby Jane this is Dara Unnie." We both shake hands, but Dara Unnie hugs me and I'm shocked.

"Sorry, I like hugs." Unnie says.

"It's okay. Nice to meet you Unnie."

"Lisa. You finally got rid of that bitch and got yourself a nice and beautiful one. FUCKING FINALLY."

"Yah Unnie...She is just a friend."

"Your hickies say otherwise..." Lisa and I's eyes go wide. We look at each other, but we don't see hickies.

"Gotcha." Unnie winks at us. My cheeks heat up. What the heck.

"Unnie that's not nice to trick us, but we are just friends..." Unnie looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes Unnie, just friends."

"With benefits. Am I right?" Unnie says. I look at Lisa and she facepalms herself.

"Unnie...the both of us are not ready to jump into relationships right now, but I promise I'll tell you first if otherwise. Please tell Captain GD Oppa we are ready."

"You got it love birds. And sorry...I only thought because I saw you kissing before you boarded." She headed to the front to tell her husband that we are ready to fly.

"Lisa that was..."



"Sorry. Just don't mind Unnie. She just really didn't like Yerin."

"And me?"

"I think she likes you, don't worry." I nod and buckle my seatbelt.

"This is Captain GD. Buckle your seat belts Love birds. FINALLY LALISA...you got rid of the gold digger. The flight should take 1 hour. Plenty of time to enjoy each other. Captain GD out!" I look at Lisa and she's red and shaking her head. I start to giggle and so does she.

"We won't hear the end of it will we?"

"Nope. Until I tell them we are either together-together or no longer friends. They are going to bug me about it forever."

"Get ready for take off. My wife please take your seat. Oh wait...your next to me."

"They seem like the lovebirds to me."

"Definitely are. I hoped that I'd have what they have. You know with Yerin...but uhhh...here I am."

"You'll find it someday. I thought the same with Hanbin."

We kinda go in an awkward silence. I feel the Jet plane about to lift off. I close my eyes and grip my armrest while my Nini Bear is in my lap.

Then I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and a hand intertwine with mine.

"It'll be okay. I'm here."

"Lisaaa..." I whisper. She pulls me closer to her and I bury my head into her chest while she hugs me. I hug my Nini Bear with one arm while my other hand is gripping Lisa's hand for dear life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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