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george was awoken from a sun ray beaming in his eyes. george groans and slowly turns towards his bedside table where his phone was placed from the night before. he glances at the time that read '9:37.' the brunette puts in his password still trying to get his eyes adjusted to the phone brightness. he then was met with a few text messages from an unknown number.


hey it's dream!

sorry i know it's a little early but i was wondering if you wanted to hang with me today?

wake up georgie!

george smiled slightly at the texts from dream. SHIT. george suddenly updates the contact to name "dream"


i'm awake!

yeah sure i'll hang let me just check my calendar to see if i'm busy

oh sorry! looks like i have a smoking date with taylor swift


you're such an idiot.

i'm way better then taylor swift btw


i very much doubt that.

so where were you thinking of going?


just a small little cafe a few blocks away

maybe eleven?



see you then dreamie

read 9:52

george slowly gets out of bed to get ready for his date. date? why was he thinking it was a date? did he want it to be a date?

he goes towards his dresser to pick out an outfit. he went on a navy blue sweater with a white collar. he matched it with black jeans and white high top converse. (okay get it gogy.) when he has his whole outfit picked out he places it neatly on his bed then heading towards his bathroom. george turns the nob counter clockwise hopping in. he waits for the water to heat up, and when it gets to the perfect temperature he steps in the water. the liquid flows down his nicely as he puts men's shampoo in his soft brunette hair.

once he is finished with his shower he steps out grabbing a towel off the towel rack right beside the shower. george effortlessly wraps it around his waist wiping the fog off the mirror from the steam.

he heads back to his room awaiting with his fresh pair of clothes on the bed. sliding all the fabric on he checks the time that read '10:07.' he still had a whole hour to spare so he decided to finish some codes he was working on a few days prior.

time skip (i hate doing these sorry)

the clock read '10:48' and george decided to start driving a little earlier then he originally planned. dream sent him direction a few minutes past so george knew exactly where to go. george rushed downstairs still trying to put his socks on, almost tripping. he slides on his high tops, grabs his keys, and heads out the door towards his car. placing his phone on the dashboard he pulls up the directions on maps to get a understanding of where he's going.

a few red lights and turns george was met with a rather small building that was lined up with beautiful red roses, but george only saw a weird green yellow color. (i'm great at explaining aren't i) he parks his car on the other side of the building in a small parking lot. the brunette gets out closing the door behind him and locking the door which made a smooth click sound. he goes up to the double doors and opens it up which was lead with a bell, notifying someone has just entered the building.

he takes a quick glance and is met eye to eye with the dirty blonde sitting down with his phone in his hand. he must have been on it before george's arrival. george gives a small smile as he walks towards the booth dream has reserved for the both of them. "hey!" the blonde has a smile stretched across his face just from his presence. "hi!" george smiled back sitting down across from him. "sorry this is a little short notice i was just bored.", george gives a dramatic sigh, "we all know you just couldn't get enough of me." although george was right no way in hell dream would admit that. "you're an idiot. but you look good georgie." george blushes slightly "thank you, so do you."

"i was thinking we could do twenty question, just to get to know each other better. if you're down of course.", "i'm always down." dream gives a slight smile from george's response. the brunette suddenly goes right in. "okay i want to go first!", "eager are we." the dirty blonde replies leaning back to get comfortable. "what's you're real name." the brunette leans in as if dream was in some investigation. "dream.", "c'mon we all know that you're real name isn't dream." george lets out a wheeze from george's desperateness. "i'll give you a deal. once we get to know each other better i'll tell you my real name. deal?" the brunette rolls his eyes. "deal."

the dirty blonde starts to also lean in towards george. "okay my turn, what's something i probably would never guess about you." george takes a little bit to think, "i'm colorblind." "really?", "yeah, protan..i think." the dirty blonde lets out a wheeze, "how do you not know which type of colorblindness you are?!" they both let out long laughs until they were interrupted by the female waitress. "hello, i'm shelly and i'll be taking your order for today!" they both look towards the waitress stating their orders. "i'll just have avocado toast please.", the blonde quickly follows "i'll get the same thing.", "alright two servings of avocado toast coming right up!" as soon as the waitress leaves geroge responds with "wow! you really are a stalker! first following me and now getting the same food as me!" george laughs pretty hard from his own joke "well sorry that you're order sounded good."

the waiter arrives back a few minutes later with their orders and a few napkins. "enjoy!" she then walks away to support other customers. "okay my turn. do you have any siblings?", clay takes a small bite of his toast, "a little sister. her names drista and she's pretty fucking annoying." they both laugh continuing to eat their food.

the two boys talked and ate for about thirty minutes. they both learned they had a lot in common. like a lot. they both coded and playes minecraft, and both were part of lqbtq+ (dream is gay, george is bi, considering being gay.) they shared a lot of laughs, dream basically crying at on epoint over the most stupid joke.

once they finish their food the waitress comes back and collects the dishes. the brunette quickly adds, "can we get a few extra napkins?" the waitress nods and walks away grabbing the napkins for george. one she arrives she hands a few napkins and one extra one with a few numbers on them, "that's my number in case you want to call me." she winks and walks away. dream just sits there grabbing the napkin with her number, "are you gonna call her?" the dirty blonde was jealous. why? it's not like george was his, even if he wished george was. there was just a pit in his stomach that was mad, sad, and even annoyed. why was he feeling this way? did he have feeling for george? the brunette interrupts his thoughts, "i mean no, i wasn't planning on it. why are you jealous?" dream just gives him a quick stare followed by a awkward chuckle, "no! just thought it was a dick move. let's just get out of here."

(1336 words)

a/n - thank you for twenty six frickin reads and two votes! i wasn't expecting the story to get any attention so thank you so much! make sure to follow my tik tok for updates! username - justbepog.

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅"challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ

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