The Beginning Of Everything

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A/N: im gonna write she/her as y/ns pronouns cause its just instinct if this gets any reads feel free to change them while your reading it and give any suggestions on what to write instead. 

y/n's whole life had been very difficult. when she was just 5 years of age, there had been an attempt to try and kidnap her and steal her beauty. however, this didn't work out and instead, her family ended up d34d and y/n went to live with her grandma. this event shaped y/ns life and here begins the story. 

"I'm so excited to start at Beauxbatons, granny smith!"

"I will miss you terribly y/n", said granny smith.

"don't worry, I'm alright now! i promise! I'm just worried that I may not be able to make friends because people may be jealous of my unparalleled beauty.."

"Y/n, don't say that! everyone will love you!anywayss get out of my house now please, I'm trying to clean. Have a good year at Beauxbatons"

"but granny smith, I don't speak frnehc "

"lolz ok Bye."

- time skip to the end of 4th year -

"Finally its the end of the year, now we won't have to see y/ns stupid face"

"hahahaha nice one, Antoinette"

"l-l-l-l-leave me alone Antoinette, I didn't do anything to you you're so mean!"

Antoinette pushed past y/n and hit her with her shoulder which caused y/n to fall down the stairs. this is when y/n made the decision to transfer to Hogwarts.

y/n had been through enough already, being the most bootiful beauty out there is really tough and the girls at Beauxbatons made it so much harder. as soon as y/n got home she would talk to granny smith about changing schools. 

Hogwarts had always seemed more friendly than Beauxbatons and y/n had always been interested in the school since she had heard about the sexy and hawt dada teacher, remus lupin. 

- another time skip to being on the train -

y/n was sitting alone on the train planning what she would say to granny smith. She was sure that granny smith would be supportive, as she had always had a soft spot for y/n. 

the train passed through the luxurious french countryside and suddenly stopped. y/n knew that this was her stop and hurried to grab her luggage and jump off the train. 

she ran to the front door of her huge ginormous expensive multimillion-dollar french manor. she bursts through the 100kg doors and into the entrance hall where granny smith was standing with open arms ready to welcome her back home.

Y/n ran through the doors but tripped gracefully over her long brunette blonde silvery ashy hot pink hair that went down to her ankles. 

"g-g-g-granny s-s-s-s-smith, I need to transfer to Hogwarts, the girls at Beauxbatons are all so horrible and vile to me. they treat me so badly because I'm too pretty" said y/n with tears welling up in her eyes. 

" yeah ok, I knew that was gonna happen. sure, I had a thing with their headmaster dumblewhore when I was younger, so I'm sure we could pull a few strings sweetheart" granny smith confided.

"I love you Granny Smith!"

"yeah ok "

A/N: omfg thanks for reading besties. next chapter is gonna be so epic its crazy. 

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