The first time they kissed

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The first time they kissed, Lisa's brains nearly exploded.

As they pulled into the deserted parking lot, Lisa detached her fingers from Jennie's on the stick shift. She did a mental happy dance when Jennie whined under her breath before reluctantly pulling her hand away and returning it to her own lap.

"We're here." She'd decided to take them back to the café by the park. It was where they'd really gotten to know each other. Familiar ground. It helped remind Lisa that this was all actually real.

She still couldn't quite believe that Jennie had said yes. She really couldn't believe that they were actually on a first date. And she definitely could not even begin to comprehend that Jennie seemed outwardly distressed that she had to let go of Lisa's hand.

But she had. And they were. And she was. Jennie was huffing in impatience, hand already inching back across the median between their seats. It made Lisa feel a lot more confident than she had hours earlier, mussing her hair in the bathroom mirror.

"Maybe I should change...I still have time to change right? Okay I should probably change...yeah I'm gonna go change."

"Lis." She could see Jisoo through the open bathroom door, lying on her bed and lazily texting who she assumed was Chaeyoung. She nervously mussed her hair with her fingers. 


"Stop freaking out. What you're wearing is fine. And stop messing with your hair." Jisoo tossed her phone onto the cat plushie by the headboard.

She turned back to the mirror. She'd decided to wear the same light blue baseball jacket she'd worn the first time she'd seen Jennie. It was cheesy and kind of lame, but she felt like the jacket was lucky. She was hoping it would give her good luck tonight. She definitely felt like she'd need it.

She felt a light tug on the arm of her jacket. Jennie was trying to pull her hand back into hers. Lisa wanted to oblige, but she shook her head, "We've got to get of out here anyways, Jen."

When she saw Jennie pout, she couldn't stop herself from reaching for her hand to placate her. And before she could stop herself, she'd lifted it up and pressed her lips against the back of Jennie's hand. She froze a second later, realizing what she'd done. She was sure she'd gone overboard now, freaked Jennie out.

"I uh...uh...uh..."

She hurriedly turned and got out of the car. Her head ducked down, she didn't know Jennie was watching with her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to suppress the smile and blush that were simultaneously taking over her face. Lisa rounded the front of the vehicle and pulled open the passenger seat for Jennie, offering her hand to help Jennie step out of the car and onto another red carpet.

This one led directly through the café's open doors, and she'd made sure to park the car so that the passenger door opened directly onto it. Jennie hooked her arm through Lisa's before interlacing their fingers again, walking slowly along the plush carpet.

When they stepped through the open doors, Jennie gasped and covered her mouth with the hand that wasn't squeezing the blood out of Lisa's.

"Oh my...Lisa..."

"Like I said, Jen, I didn't want to get you a dozen roses. And a dozen is still a dozen, even if I give you 11 first and 1 later."

Lisa had had to enlist Jisoo and Seulgi's help all week for this one. They'd covered the floor, the tables, the counter, and the window sills. Seulgi had even climbed onto Jisoo's shoulders to stick some onto the menu hanging on the wall behind the cash register.

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