Chapter 39....

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I AM BACK WITH THE FINAL CHAPTERS OF THIS BOOK! I recommend re-reading through the last chapter before this one but you don't have to. But yeah from here on you can binge read the rest of the book! I really hope you guys enjoy it. <3 <3

Happy Reading!! 

Walking into the house where the party was at I clung to Alex's hand, memories of the last time I went to a party hitting me full force. I knew I had nothing to worry about with Alex by my side but I just prayed nothing went wrong tonight. I always seemed to attract trouble so hopefully tonight none of that happened.

One good thing though was seeing everyone was dressed up just like we were. The further we walked into the house the more I noticed that we had some of the best costumes compared to everyone else.

The music was loud and the house was jammed pack with people. I didn't recognize any faces which came as a relief. The last thing I wanted was to run into anyone from school.

By time Alex and I made it to the other side of the house the rest of the group was no where to be found. No doubt Lexi and Nico were off in some corner doing god knows what. Derek was probably already in the kitchen grabbing a drink with Olivia nearby to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Noah was most likely talking to someone he knew since this seemed to be all kids from his school.

"I know parties aren't your thing so we can leave whenever you want to." Alex bent down near my ear to talk over the loud music. While parties weren't my thing I wanted to be here. I wanted to act like a normal teenager and go to a party with my boyfriend.

"Dance with me." I looked up at him smiling. A smile appeared on his face as he nodded. With a tug on my hand he lead us towards the makeshift dance floor. We found a small corner where we wouldn't bump into anyone.

While the music was more bouncy, Alex wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me against him. I brought my hands to his shoulders as we started to sway. The last time I danced with Alex I was pretty much drunk off my ass and we weren't together. So in a way this was our first time dancing as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"You know I think purple hair fits you."

"Yeah? Think I should dye it?" I smiled up at him.

"I could get behind it." He brought a hand up to play with a strand of my purple wig, curtsy of Olivia.

"Maybe one day I'll show up to school with permanently dyed hair." I teased. "Would you get matching hair with me?"

"Think I could pull it off?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I pretend to look him over while humming.


"Wow thanks." At his dry tone I grinned. Even if Alex dyed his hair bright purple he'd still look hot.

"We both know you'd still have girls falling at your feet."

"Not my fault I'm easy on the eyes." He smirked. I rolled my eyes but my grin stayed on my face.

"Theres the ego."

"You love it." Alex's eyes sparkled as he bent his head down. I didn't argue as he pressed his lips to mine. My fingers moved up to his hair and laced through the soft strands as he softly kissed me like we were the only two people in the room.

We swayed to the music as we kept kissing. I was lost in the feel of Alex. When we eventually pulled away he rested his forehead against mine, catching our breath. My fingers played with the hair at the nap of his neck while his softly gripped my hips.

"I don't think I'll ever grow tired of kissing you." He murmured.

"Then don't stop." The words left my lips before I could stop them. My eyes snapped open surprised at myself. My cheeks flushed as Alex looked down at me.

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