Chapter 40...

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MAKE SURE TO READ THE ONE BEFORE THIS ONE! These are the final chapters of the book so go back to Chapter 39 to where I left off on updating.

When I thought about Halloween and what we would do, sitting in a cold jail cell wasn't at the top of the list. Hadn't even crossed my mind this is how we would spend the rest of the night.

Nico and Lexi were off to the side, talking in hushed tones. Olivia and Derek were across the cell on another bench. Liv's head was resting on Derek's shoulder while he had an arm around her. If the situation was different I would be 'awing' at the pair.

I was currently using a bit of shirt that I ripped up to clean up some of the blood off of Alex's face. He wasn't bleeding that bad and most of it was starting to dry up. He was leaning back against the wall while letting me clean him up, his eyes glued to my face.

"Would you be surprised to know this isn't my first time in jail?" He asked out of the blue. My hand paused at his lip.

"So the rumor that the police know your name is true?" I joked. Alex rolled his eyes at that.

"No that isn't true. It was right after my parents died and I..." He scratched the back of his neck. "I sort of went on a bender. Got arrested." I could tell he wasn't proud of that moment.

"Doesn't make you a bad person." I said as I resumed cleaning him up. "This is my first time in jail."

"Your brother is going to kill me when he finds out."

"You'll be fine." I waved him off. "But just know he is a few inches taller than you."

"Gee thanks." I grinned. Despite the situation I actually felt good. We may be sitting in a cell but if it had to be for anything I'm glad it was getting back at Mitch. Although the real reason was we were found where underage drinking was occurring...and we were underage.

"I'm waiting by the way." Alex said after a moment.

"Waiting for what?" I put the piece of ruined cloth down and leaned back a little.

"For you to tell me it was stupid for fighting Mitch. That I shouldn't have let him get to me. That you are angry with me for putting us in this situation."

I could see him thinking I'd say that. That I would get mad he would fought Mitch and then we ended up here. But how could I be mad? He defended me against Mitch.

"Alex." I leaned forward and grabbed his cheeks with my hands. Turning him to face me I stared right into his eyes. "What you did was amazing." His eyebrows raised at that.

"You could have easily let him talk about me like that. Yeah you could have let it go but you didn't and I could never be angry at you for that. Plus I joined in at the end." At my words a grin played on his lips. "As for being here....just happened to be bad luck." I shrugged.

"You aren't mad your boyfriend got you put in jail?" Alex reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear; my purple wig laying on the bench beside me.

"I wouldn't want to be in jail with anyone else." He gently tugged me down by the side of my neck and placed a kiss on my lips. It only lasted for a second before I heard him hiss. Remembering his cut lip I quickly pulled back.

"Sorry." I winced.

"It's okay." I could tell it hurt more than he let on. Not wanting to hurt his lip again I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Well that was an entertaining night." Derek suddenly spoke up. None of us have really said anything since the cops came and took us here.

"How pissed do you think Noah's dad is gonna be?" Nico asked.

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