Chapter 6

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"All Might/ Announcement"
Author speaking
*Action occurring*
Narrator speaking

The next day. Midoryia wakes up to find a certain periwinkle blue-haired girl hugging him. He started blushing when he remembered what had happened last night and it wasn't a dream.
He was happy at the same time and still a bit surprised on how he caught the heart of the school idol. When Nejire woke up she had more or less the same reaction as Midoryia.
——Le Timeskip To Breakfast——
Nejire and Midoryia walked down with their hands interlocked. Class 1A noticed this and Mirio and Tamaki were happy that they were finally dating and Nejire had confessed.
Mina," Soooo, are you guys dating?!!!". Midoryia replied," Yes." "YES!!! mah ship sailed!!!" Mina exclaimed.
Mineta and Kaminari were crying blood due to jealousy. A few class 1A girls were a bit envious because some of them had a crush on Midoryia.
Le Timeskip To Training
The class 1A was in Gym Gamma, trying to improve their quirks for the sports festival. Midoryia was focusing on improving his mobility. Right now he was trying to form small explosions from the Hakai at a very low power so he could fly. It was going successful, then Midoryia had a idea. 'Hmm, what if I get a higher percentage explosion at my feet and a lower one on my hands, and on my back. That would allow me to go pretty fast especially if I combine Full Cowl with it. And leg muscles can handle more recoil than arms.' Midoryia thought. He worked on improving that technique until he could fly freely with good control and very high speeds.
The class trained for almost 2 weeks. The sports festival was just tomorrow. Midoryia and Nejire's had a couple of dates during this time and all was going good. Midoryia was secretly training at Gym Gamma when he discovered something. He had made a 1% Hakai and it was in his hand. He formed a fist and the Hakai coated his fist in a translucent purple aura. Midoryia willed the Hakai to rotate around his fist as fast as possible. He slowly started to power up his Hakai by 0.01%. When he reached 2% power, the Hakai was moving so fast, it was creating wind pressures around him and had a light blue shade to it.

 When he reached 2% power, the Hakai was moving so fast, it was creating wind pressures around him and had a light blue shade to it

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Midoryia then, rather than shooting it, he let it cover his fist and punched the floor. At first nothing happened and the ball disappeared. Midoryia was a bit disappointed. Then cracks started appearing and then suddenly a loud boom could be heard. Then the entire gym floor burst into shrapnel and there was a huge wind tornado. The loud sound awakened the teachers who came rushing towards the sound in case it was a villain attack. What they found was a green-haired teen standing in a 5 meter deep crater with a 10 meter radius and the entire gym floor pretty much annihilated. Midoryia was questioned and they found out that Midoryia was just training. By this time the class 1A had woken up and rushed to their teachers to know what happened. Even the big three were up. When they found out Midoryia was training all of them sweatdropped at the sheer power he held. Aizawa just said one thing after the questioning," Problem child, please don't use that... that move on someone, I don't think they would ever live to see the day."
Midoryia then trained that day so he could master this new move. He named it 'Wind Hakai' . He could now actually use it at 0.00001% power so he didn't destroy the entire place. He practiced using this move to boost his mobility rather than the simple Hakai. Turns out that this was way faster than the simplest Hakai and was pretty easy once you get the hand of it. If he combined a 0.0001% wind Hakai with full cowl 10% , it could allow him to go at Mach 1.
(A/n Sorry for a short chapter, didn't really have anything else to put in'ere. The sports festival arc will be the next chapter so stay tuned peeps and hope you enjoyed this. Bai!)

(Edit: Check info because I updated it and thanks for the 300+ reads! Bai)
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