January 8, 2014

11 2 0

His name is Max Frin, he was home schooled his whole life until now. He has gorgeous brown/gold eyes. He is in 9th grade (same as me) yet he is a year and a half older than me. He failed 2nd grade because his dad was on drugs and never took him to school and once the county found out about it.

They sent him to live with his aunt and he failed 2nd grade because he didn't go to school enough

Then he bought failed 6th grade because he would skip class to get high until he meet this girl (they don't date) but she helped him and got him straight and he went to her church a couple time but in the summer after 8th grade his aunt died of cancer and so now he is fostered here.

The way I learned all I this is because now we are friends. And he is not such a creep after all. He has had a rough life and ain't doing the best but he i trying. Plus he is really smart and is an artist. He wants to go into the navy really bad and he works out.

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