Chapter 12

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I smile as we enter the house and Elias wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck before laughing at Isabella's poor excuse of an apology. She was never good at them.

" with all that said; I'm sorry, guys." Isabella's looks around and smiles. "I still stand by my word though. You are all pigs. I mean look at this place." She gestures with her hand. "It smells and looks like a pigsty in here. Would a little bleach kill anyone?" Everyone laughs including Elias and I.

My best friend is back and is still her crazy and wild self. I smile as I look at her interact with the rest of the football team who still kind of look scared of her.

"Grace," Elias pulls me flush against his body as he places a kiss on my lips. "Are you hungry?"

"Mm-hmm." I hum and he chuckles as I place my hand behind his head and pull him down for another kiss.

"Do you want to dine in or carry out?" Elias asks as he wraps his arms around my shoulder and rest his chin on the top of my head.

How about we have them deliver?Oh... can we get pizza?" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah." He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. "Let me order the food real quick and then I'll be back. What type of pizza do you want?"

"Large stuff crust with pineapple and ham, easy of the sauce." I smile as Elias makes a face of disgust before leaving.

"Well that was awkward right?" Isabella says as she buries her face on my shoulder and I laugh.

"I mean... just a little." I hold my index finger and thumb about an inch apart. "Thank you, babe. Thank you for always having my back when it feels like no one else does."

"Of course." She winks and pecks my lips swiftly. "You're my sista mate and I do for you what you do for me. Nothing's going to change that."

Before I can respond Logan walks up to us and grabs my shoulder gently. "Lani, can I talk to you please?" He pleads with me as he looks between his sister and I.

"Sure" I sigh and walk to the dining room where it's a little more quiet and a bit more private.

"Look Lani, I really am sorry for the way I treated you. It wasn't right and I would say I don't know what came over me, but the truth is, I was being an ass and I was... jealous." Logan looks down as he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous, Logan? Jealous of what?" My eyebrows pinch together in confusion as I stare at him as if he's grown another head.

"You never noticed did you?" He sighs. "I've been in love with you since we were kids, Lani and I've tried, God have I tried to fight these feelings for years, but seeing you with someone else... it does something right here." He hits his chest. "He doesn't deserve you, Lan. He's only going to break your heart and destroy you from the inside out. Please... just."

"No, no, no." I hold my hand out and shake my head vigorously as tears begin to slowly fall from my eyes. "You don't get to do this, Logan. To me and definitely not to Isabella. She's my best friend and I could never betray her like this."

"I can talk to her. She will understand. You can't tell me you don't feel the same way about me? I know you do, Lani."

"You don't understand," I wipe my tears and take a deep breath before I tell the boy I've loved for so long my feelings. "I came forward to your sister a long time ago and told her my love for you. She didn't want us together and I respect her decision on why. I chose my best friend. I will always respect her and her choices and I could never do anything to compromise that. I will always love you Logan, but nothing can come from it. It will destroy the person we both love and beside I slept with Elias. I can't do that to him either, regardless if we aren't together. I'm sorry." I whisper the last part.

Logan takes a step towards me, and I quickly take a step back in hopes of putting some distance between us but my back hits a hard body. I turn my head and look up to Elias who is looking at Logan with an unknown look in his eyes. Is it sadness?

"You know if you would of just told me how you felt about Grace, I would of never pursued her. I respected our friendship Logan, more then anything."

"You respected our friendship yet you had to go after her still? Had to pursue her? Right?" Logan spits out the words like they were venom on his lips.

"You never showed any indication that you felt any type of way towards her other then a brotherly, sisterly type of love. You never said anything, Logan. How am I suppose to know?" Elias sighs as he looks down before looking between Logan and I and steps away from me.

All I want to do is wrap my arms around Elias, but I know for the sake of Logan it's best not and I think Elias knows it too. That's why he stepped back as well.

"You are my best friend. You're suppose to know!" Logan yells as he takes another step towards Elias and I flinch as he does so. Elias notices and pulls me to him as he puts an arm around me protectively.

The house becomes quiet as everyone is now looking at the three of us.

"I can't read your mind, Logan. I'm not a mind reader. Me being your best friend should of been reason enough to tell me. You should of trusted me with that information."

Logan laughs as he shakes his head. "You still would of pursued her." He looks at me and for a second his eyes hold love before looking at Elias with anger. A smirk plasters his face and I tense up. "I can't really blame you though. She is a pretty little thing with a nice round ass and nice big tits... oh and let's not forget those hips and small waist."

I gasp as well as Isabella as I look at the person I once knew. The person I loved once upon a time and now I don't even know who he has become. I feel anger course my veins and in that moment all I feel is hate for the boy I love. Loved.

"Watch it, Logan!" Elias yells as he stands in front of me. "Are you not done insulting her as a person? Didn't you have enough when you downgraded her and called her a whore and slut yesterday? I won't stand by and let you keep disrespecting her." Elias steps up to Logan. "How can you say you love her when you talk about her this way, huh?!" Elias yells.

"How can you talk to Lani that way, Logan?" Isabella chimes in as she stands beside Elias. "What happened to you? The brother I know would have never talked to another women tha-"

"I loved her since I was six years old!" Logan pulls at his hair. "Since I first laid my eyes on her; I loved her! From the first time she walked through our front door with you, I. Loved. Her and I would of done everything for her if she would of given me the chance, but no. She has to go and open her legs and fuck Eli! My best fucking friend like the whore she is!"

It all happened so fast. Elias punching Logan in the nose to Logan punching Elias in the lip, to them both rolling on the ground fighting.

And then it happens. My ears begin to ring and my hands begin to sweat as I feel my body slide down the wall. With shaking hands I cover my mouth to stop a sob from breaking free as tears flow freely from my eyes.

"Somebody stop them!" Isabella screams as Ben pulls Elias off of Logan and Dimitri quickly picks up Logan off the floor and holds him from going after Elias.

Elias spits out blood and I can see his busted lip bleeding and the cut under his eye as it's smeared with a little blood. Logan has a broken nose, a bruised eye and a busted lip. He holds his nose as he looks at me and his eyes turn into fury again causing me to flinch.

"How could you, Logan?" Isabella cries as she steps in front of her brother. "How could you say all those things about her? Do you know she stopped me from getting raped a second time? She offered to take my place! She saw how broken I was and she knew I couldn't handle it again. She was raped just like I was. She had it worse then me!" She screams in his face as I feel all the color drain from my face.

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