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Haruto is really sad this days, he miss his members, oh well to be more honest he is actually missing just one particular member, his  Yedam hyung,  he was excited to see him again forgetting a very important fact/covid19 law protocol  when travelling yes guys, he was so excited, that quarantine thingy was left along with Ruru in his sister's care.. He wanted to throw tantrums but he can't..

Alone in a Hotel, provided by YG ENT. He tried calling yedam but he is not answering his phone.. He's been trying to call him since this morning but he can't reach him.. You guys might think that he is acting like a stupid and clingy boy friend well flash news they are not yet on that level..

Dami-ah where are you?
Please answer my call..

I miss you again today.

Send me a message atleast..




That's not a message babe


Why do I feel like

📞Mine 🦊❤️Calling...

I miss you.. " he said it boldly the moment that he answered his call

Not even a hello, really haruto" answered yedam laughing at the younger guy's upfront confession, until now he is not yet used to it...

But my I miss you is way better than hello babe" as he whined to the older..
He is really happy now that he can already express his feelings towards him, he is so inlove with him and the feelings is mutual, but yeah yedam is more on reserve type..

Yedam just laugh, though he was hurt by how the guy is obviously avoiding the topic he is still happy hearing his voice, his laughter and him freely expressing his feelings to the older..

"Why can't you even say that you miss me too yedam-ah"

Again  he was answered by an awkward laugh by the older..

I love you " he uttered all of a sudden making the other line silent and the call was cut..

He wanted to call him back, but he felt that the guy is with other people maybe that's the reason why his awkward..

Two weeks before he left to be with his family, he confessed his feelings to the older, no it was not planned, it was sudden, he was jealous so jealous that it triggered him and trapped him in one of the YG's comfort rooms  right there and then he kissed him.. He was waiting for his punch after the kiss but what he didn't expect was to see a blushing temptress yedam with a  lips inviting to be devoured by him  looked lost. . So he kissed him again and still he didn't refused, tho he didn't kiss him back, for him it was enough, enough to know that his feelings might be reciprocated and so he confessed and from then on he never stopped owning him, and they constantly exchanging text messages and they video call as well, he keeps on sending him videos of him, one of those is his love confession video, him singing blueming by IU, the song really expressess his feelings toward him, he is just so inlove but the older is giving him mixed signals, he is sweet when they're alone or when they are texting, its as if he is ashamed of what they have, why can't he be open.. The members knew about them so what's there to hide..

His birthday is only an hour to go but, he is not happy one bit, Yedam is missing.. funny how he keeps on clowning himself.. He missed him so much, after the last call he can no longer contact him, he's messages was left unreplied not even seen, his call was un-answered, he hated calling Jae but he calls him frequently just to know Yedam's whereabouts or if he's home already something like that.. It is hurting him, but he can't be mad at him, his heart that's so in love won't let him, so here he is alone in his birthday mulling over his aching heart that never stopped loving and continously missing Bang Yedam..

His phone keeps on beeping, notification keeps on alerting, but he is only waiting for his message, his message alone, even if that message is an obligatory he will be happy with it already.. Heart wrenching with anticipation he open his twitter as his member posting birthday greetings one by one, his heart stop even his breathing halted for a sec as he realize his birthday greeting posted on twitter.. his once solemn face formed a victorious smile as he can't control the giddiness he is feeling right now.. He is now shouting and dancing as repeatedly reading his message, he called him love for the world to see, he even published his confession.. He is just so happy he almost broke his phone when he saw who is calling as he tripped himself but still answered the call brightly even if his toenail is dying..

Hey babe.. "it was Yedam's intro, ah what more he can ask for his birthday, his Yedam is calling him babe for the 1st time, owning him and he is dying from too much giddiness only to be to disturbed by an annoying hyung..

Yah, ruto are you still alive" jihoon who barged yedam's room as he saw his greetings towards the guy whom he sure knows smiling like an idiot right now..

Yah, hyung what are you doing there?,"

Cuddling yedamie of course"

Yaaaahh, get out hyung.. "

Wae? Yedamie, is soft and smells like a baby, I love to cuddle him" he teases the guy more.. Ah the day has come, jihoon with full of mischief smile at Yedam who just shook his head Coz of this hyung's antics, it Was all his plan not to answer haruto's call and messages he literally kidnapped his phone, no matter how he missed the younger he just let it be, as he also needs to study his own feelings.. And those days he realised, that maybe just like him he is also in trouble.. Coz he definitely felt differently towards him.. That his absence makes his heart aches for his presence, longs for his naughty advances and he missed him so damn much..

Yaaa Panda Hyung, Yedamie is mine to cuddle get away from him or I will tell hyunsuk hyung that you message Yoshi Hyung..

Who messaged who? " hyunsuk asked who was also with them

Hey, why are you spouting things that will ruin relationship ruto-ah" he is reprimanding the guy as he watching his two hyung's having a petty fight caused by the one who's on the other line who doesn't felt one bit guiltily..

Haruto just pout.. But did not retort he is just so happy that they are now alone.. Hah good for him, he's still annoying panda up to this day..

If only haruto knows about the unreplied call and messages he will surely beat the annoying panda to oblivion even in just a dream.

Note :

My own version of Dami's Birthday greetings(my own interpretation actually 😂) how blueming was born..

It was short and out of boredom boring composition.. Mian.. 😊

Grammar enthusiast hi, forgive my short comings am not a pro..

Credits to the owner of the of the video clips I used.

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