Chapter 8

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Tanaka took me to my house so I could get changed into my clothes and we walked to school together. I remember his sister calling him ryu yesterday. Maybe I can call him Ryu.

"Whatcha thinking about Y/n?" Tanaka nudges me.

"Can I call you Ryu?" I ask and he gets a little flustered but nods.

I smile at him and we walk into school together. We sit down and we get ready for class.

~time skip brought to you by oikawa flat ass~

I walk into the gym with Tanaka. He runs add to get warmed up and kiyoko enters a little later with a blonde girl standing behind her. She looked terrified.

"Guys I would like you to meet yachi-San she is thinking about becoming a manager," kiyoko announced and everyone crowded around her.

The girl squealed she really is terrified. I walk up in front of her.

"Boys stop crowding her," I say and they all back up," hi I'm y/n the other manager. Excuse these idiots the don't know how to act around people,"

She laughs a little and I hear someone clear their throat," I shouldn't be included in these bunches of idiots," stukishima says glaring at me.

"Oh no you're definitely included cause you're the biggest in here now boys back to work," I say and I lead yachi over to where we sit.

She looked at me thankfully and I smiled at her. She's adorable. I hope she agrees to become a manager I feel like it would be so fun.

"Oh yachi before I forget watch for incoming volleyballs you don't need to get hurt," she gives me a nervous smile," also please say yes to becoming a manager. I know the boys look intimidating but I swear they are all nice. Aside from stukishima he's just salty to everyone."

She nods and she looks at the boys practice in aw. After practice hinata runs over to yachi. He was jumping around and yachi was laughing.

"Wow he really makes friends fast doesn't he," Tanaka comes up behind me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I nod and we head to my house with Noya to study.

~time skip brought to you by Kenmas hinata obsession~

It's the day the finals results come in. I bite my nails nervous for it. The teacher hands me my paper back and I stare at it. I let out a relived breathe. I passed with flying colors. I look over at Tanaka and he's smiling brightly. He showed me his paper.

"Whose the best," he says.

I laugh at him," you barely passed."

"Yes but I still passed," he says proudly and I snicker.

The lunch bell rang and me and Tanaka walked out smiling. Noya ran at us waving his paper in the air.

"I passed. Barely but I passed," he yells at us.

Him and Tanaka chest bunk and I laugh at their stupidness. The rest of the day went by like a breeze. I walk into the gym and smile at the boys. Then I see hinata and Kageyama sitting on the ground ashen faced.

"Oh no," I say and walk over.

"They each failed a class," Suga said sadly.

"But they studied so hard with yachi what happened?" I asked confused. 

Yachi had really gotten close with hinata and they spent a lot of time together.

"They focused on the wrong things so now they have to make it up," Suga explained," apparently yachi was sent into hysterics when she heard."

"Listen up boys. You only failed one class so that means you don't have a lot to make up," Tanaka comes in with a mischievous smirk," so what I need you to do is finish that work quickly and I'll send the Calvary,"

Oh no. He's sending his sister.

"You're safety is not guaranteed in this. And please wear your seatbelts."

He finished explaining the plan and their spirits were significantly lifted. At least he can cheer them up. I clapped him on the back and he smiled at me.

~time skip brought to you by stukishima dino nuggies~

We arrive in Tokyo and I immediately jump into kuroo's arms," hey kitty."

We break apart and I feel someone walk up behind me. I look up and Tanaka is there. He looks annoyed. I lean into him and smirk.

"Aw is someone jealous?" I say and he looks away.


I giggle and look back at Kuroo," I knew you liked him."

"Shush," I say sticking my tongue out at him.

I walk away with Tanaka and help everyone get the stuff out. We get that done quickly and it's already dinner time. I was walking to the dining room when Tanaka pulled me aside.

"Yes?" I ask smiling up at him.

"Let me take you out tonight," he says and I nod.

We run out hand in hand. We stop after a little bit," I know a good place near here," I say and pull him.

We enter a cute little diner that was my favorite as a kid. I lead him to a booth that is in a semi secluded area. I mean there's not a lot of people here but oh well. The waiter comes over and we both order f/f and f/d. I snuggle into his side and he smiles down at me. We sit in silence until our food gets here. I dig in immediately and look up. My mouth full and Tanaka is laughing at me.

"What?" I ask my mouth full.

"You're adorable," my face heats up.

"Shush," I say after I finish chewing.

We goof around while eating, talking about nothing important. Once we pay we walk around the city hand in hand. I took him around to all of my favorite places. We stop at my absolute favorite fountain. I grabbed a coin and closed my eyes.

I wish this could last forever. I throw the coin in and I smile at Tanaka.

"What'd you wish for?"

"If I tell you it wouldn't come true now would it," I say as we start walking back.

We I kiss him goodnight and head to the girls room. Everyone was still up and they smirked at me as I walked in.

"Tell us what happened," the say and I sit down telling them the details of what happened a huge smile on my face.

I really do love him.

Word count: 1081

I hope you enjoyed this small fluff chapter. The next chapter should be longer. Thank you for reading and special thanks to my friend for the ideas on time skips. Love y'all❤️❤️

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