The Gentleman x Mr Cheese

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 The Gentleman's POV


Mr Cheese was late for the morning meeting, again. Captain started the meeting and the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Mr Cheese came running out shouting, "Mr Cheese here! Sorry, Mr Cheese late!" "Oh beanie boy, your late, again," I said as I took Mr Cheese's hand. "Alrighty, Engineer, Gnome, Stoner, and I will not be joining the rounds today. So I was considering giving everyone a day off. Last night was very stressful and I think we all deserve it, so everyone in favor of having a day off say Eay," announced Captain. Everyone said "Eay!" Mr Cheese and I walked back to our room. We sat down on the sofa together and Mr Cheese nestled into my arms. "Can we watch a movie? Asked Mr Cheese. "Alright, Mr Cheese, what do you want to watch? I queried. "You can pick my sweet prince," said Mr Cheese. I opened Doozney+ and selected a documentary on Polis history.

 Mr Cheese's POV


The documentary was a little boring but it had good facts in it. I knew The Gentleman would ask me what my favorite part was so I paid attention. I grew drowsy and cuddled closer to The Gentleman. He put his arms around me knowing I loved that. Our relationship had started out a little rocky but things were a lot better now. I had stopped cutting myself, The Gentleman was kinder and better at expressing his feelings, and we were now in a smoother relationship. I still had the words "worthless, stupid, imbecile, and annoyance" carved into my arms. The Gentleman had caught me cutting one day and felt absolutely awful for making me do that to myself. I soon fell asleep in The Gentleman's arms.

The Gentleman's POV


Mr Cheese had just fallen asleep in my arms, documentaries were not his favorite. I paused the documentary, I was getting a little sleepy myself. I leaned on Mr Cheese and drifted to off to sleep. When I woke up Mr Cheese was not in my arms. I looked into the kitchen and saw Mr Cheese making quesadillas. "Oh hey, Genty! It's 12:30, so I started making lunch." said Mr Cheese, "What would you like in your quesadilla?" "Just cheese, please," I said "Okie Dokie" replied Mr Cheese. Mr Cheese finished the food and set it on the table. "Enjoy!" he exclaimed. 

 Mr Cheese's POV


As we ate I asked The Gentleman something very important "Gentleman, can I ask you something?" "Anything my beanie boy," responded The Gentleman. "Can we go back to Earth on the next shuttle? I want to spend time on Earth with you and meet new people. I want to meet your family. I want to go on a date with you that isn't just to the cafeteria." I rambled. "Mr Cheese, I didn't expect this, but I think that's a good idea. We should back go to earth together, I want to do all those things too," The Gentleman admitted, "The next shuttle is in a week, so we have better get packing." "Let's go tell the crew now," I said. We went down the hall to the cafeteria and called the meeting. Everyone was teleported to the cafeteria, there was a bit of a hubbub. "QUIET EVERYONE, QUIET, MR CHEESE AND I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!" shouted The Gentleman.

 The Gentleman's POV


"Mr Cheese and I are taking the next shuttle back to Earth," I announced. "What! Why?" everyone asked. "We want to enjoy things that are not in space, we will be back in a few months," Mr Cheese explained. "We are finding crewmates to take our place," I said. Everyone returned to their rooms and Mr Cheese and I started to look for crewmates to take our place. "Heres a good one, her name is Goober. She has a good sense of humor, but is quick to accuse," said Mr Cheese. "Sir Clogsworth, intelligent and kind. He would probably be a good counterpart to Goober," I replied. We sent a p-mail to NARA and got permission to return to Earth. Goober and Sir Clogsworth already knew each other fortunately and they shared a dorm. We video called with them and they said they would love to come to the Skeld. "We should start packing, Mr Cheese," I said. "One step ahead of you Genty!" Mr Cheese exclaimed.

 Mr Cheese's POV


I had some space-moving boxes out and was already packing stuff in them. I carefully set The Gentleman and my trophies in a box. I smiled as I dusted off my cooking trophy, I had won a huge cooking contest a few years back. I finished packing the trophies and started packing the lamps. I looked over at The Gentleman, he was staring at his first two tophats. I walked over to him and set my hand on his shoulder. "Oh hey, Mr Cheese," said The Gentleman, "I was just reminiscing over the first time I got tophats." After packing for a few hours I flopped on the couch. The Gentleman sat down beside me and ran his fingers through my brown, curly hair. "I will heat something up for us, alright?" said The Gentleman. "Ok," I responded sleepily. By the time The Gentleman had finished heating up the soup, I was asleep. 

 The Gentleman's POV


Mr Cheese was asleep on the sofa, so I picked him up and brought him into our bedroom. I set him onto our bed and tucked him in. "Sleep tight my cheesy prince," I said and kissed him gently on the forehead. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table to eat. I ate my soup slowly and thought about Mr Cheese, he was 23. I was 31, it was a bit of an age gap but we loved each other very much. I considered proposing to Mr Cheese some time when we were at my family mansion in England. I would need a ring, and I wasn't sure if we were quite ready for that yet. I finished my soup and started doing the dishes. I kept thinking about proposing to Mr Cheese, and was quite distracted. I was snapped back to reality when I was drying a plate and dropped it. The plate hit the ground and smashed into many pieces, "Oh bother," I said. Mr Cheese raced out of the bedroom "GENTLEMAN! ARE YOU OK?!?" He half-shouted. "Yes, I am fine. Could you help me pick up this plate, Mr Cheese, I dropped it." Together we picked up the shattered plate and put it into the garbage.

:To Be Continued:

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