Stoner x Captain :Part One:

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 :Warning Contains Fluff:

Stoner's POV


I was crying, I didn't want anyone to see me. I looked at my phone, it was two in the morning. I was not sure why exactly I was crying. "I had gotten too high and have just hit a low," I thought to myself. I had a ton of bottled-up emotions. One strange emotion that bubbled up the most was loneliness. I had had a crush on Captain for a while now, but I told myself that he would never love me back. I was just a weed addict who was splitting at the seams with emotion now. I sobbed harder, shaking as I cried. I really hoped now that no one would hear me, I was not in a good state. I assumed I had really just hit the lowest point when I collapsed in the kitchen of my room.

Captain's POV


I swore just heard someone crying. I walked down the hall and heard the crying get louder as I got closer to Stoner's room. I knocked on Stoner's door and heard a muffled, whimpering "Come In". As I walked in I saw Stoner curled in a fetal position on his kitchen floor. "Stoner! Are you ok?" I exclaimed as ran to his side. Stoner whimpered "C-captain? I-I u-uh." He was still sobbing uncontrollably as I picked him up bridal style and brought him into his living room. I set Stoner on the sofa and sat down beside him. "Stoner, what's wrong?" I asked sympathetically. All I got in response was some unintelligible whimpering.

Stoner's POV


Captain had just set me on the couch and sat down beside me. He asked me what was wrong and all I could do was whimper unintelligibly. "I'm a sad excuse for a human being." I thought to myself, but I had apparently said that out loud because Captain said "No, no you are not. Stoner, you're in a drug low, I can tell, but you are not worthless." I sniffled and said, "D-do you r-really think s-so?" I burrowed my face into Captain's chest, a little scared of what he might say. "Yes, of course, I do. Keep a little secret, but you're my favorite crewmate and my best friend," he said as he put his arms around me, I blushed slightly as he did that. "I thought Player was your best friend" I responded. "Well, as you know he and Veteran probably are together now, and he rejected me..." said Captain a little sadly.

Captain's POV


Stoner put his arms around me and tightened his grip. I blushed a little bit, as I did have a little crush on Stoner. Ok, maybe not a little crush, I'm totally in love with Stoner. I just didn't know how to express my feelings to him. I stroked Stoner's head, he was still whimpering a bit. "It's ok to be upset, tell me what's upsetting you, I will try to make it better," I told him gently. Stoner said nothing.

Stoner's POV


I wanted to tell Captain everything, how lonely I felt, how jealous I felt when I saw the other couples, what I felt for Captain. "I-I" I stuttered. I began to cry again and pulled Captain closer like a huge teddy bear. "Oh Stoner," said Captain blushing. Captain took my hand in his then said "Stoner, I've never told you but I have feelings for you, and I want to be more than just friends." He pulled me closer and I finally found words, "I-I want to be your boyfriend too, Captain" Captain set one hand on my cheek and pulled my face close to his, he smelled a little like honey and roses. "Is he gonna kiss me?" I wondered to myself.

Captain's POV


"Here we go, I'm about to kiss Stoner," I thought to myself. I pressed my lips to his and he kissed me back. Stoner reeked of marijuana and alcohol, but I didn't mind. He tasted like he smelled, but love is the sweetest taste out there. We kissed until we ran out of air, after we stopped we tightened our grips on each other. "I love you, Stoner," I said. "I'm just sorry we didn't own up to our feelings earlier." "I am too Captain, I was just too shy and worried of rejection," replied Stoner. "But why were you crying?" I asked, "Oh, I was just-just really lonely and wanted to tell you how I felt for you but couldn't, and I was jealous of the other couples, Mr. Cheese and The Gentleman, B-Day and Rose, Gnome and Engineer, Sheriff and Angel, Player and Veteran, Bro and Ninja, and all the others." sighed Stoner. "Hey, we're a couple now," I said before kissing Stoner on the lips again. I stuck out my tongue, hoping to gain access to Stoner's mouth.

Stoner's POV


I allowed Captain's tongue to explore my mouth as I did the same, he tasted a bit like honey. Our tongues fought back and forth for a little while before we let go. We were both a little out of breath from our intense kiss. Captain sighed happily and squeezed my hand, "I love you" he said. "I love you too," I replied. I heard a noise from the door, it sounded like laughter. I looked over at the door and saw Bro with a video cam, snickering. "BRO WHAT THE HECK?!? THAT'S SUPER UNCHILL!" I exclaimed.

Captain's POV


I turned to see bro in his PJs with a video camera, he started to laugh maniacally. I blushed as red as Player's suit. "Bro, how would you like it if I recorded you and Ninja french kissing. I've caught you doing that before." I said. Bro turned a rich scarlet, threw the video camera onto the ground, and ran back to him and Ninja's room. Stoner pulled me into his bedroom and onto the bed. "Stoner, what are you doing?" I asked as Stoner pulled the blankets over us. "I'm sorry, I just want you to sleep with me. I won't make any moves, I just want someone to cuddle me when I sleep." I sighed and wrapped my arms around Stoner, "It's ok I understand, I was gonna ask you if we could share a room anyways."

To be continued

(1058 words)

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