Stoner x Captain

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Requested by @BeanieBoy_

Stoner's POV


I was smoking weed in my room peacefully, Captain walked in and began to cough a little bit. I knew he was still getting used to the amount I smoked. I exhaled a perfect smoke ring and Captain sat down beside me. "Hey my glorious green goob," Captain said. "Hey, Cappy!" I said and coughed a little bit. "Time to take a break, eh?" Captain asked. I extinguished the cigarette and he pulled me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I was picked up and set on the couch by Captain, he sat down beside me. I grabbed Captians's hat and set it on my head, I smiled and Captain giggled. I peered up at him with my big brown eyes, Captain stared back with his baby blue eyes. "You're so cute, Stoner," he said. I pulled him in for a kiss, we kissed for a minute and Captain took his hat back. "Love you," He said. "Love you too," I returned, "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure," Captain agreed, "What do you want to watch?" "You can pick, Cappy," I told him. Captain picked up the remote and selected a romcom called "Star Girl".

Captain's POV


I started the movie and Stoner cuddled up to me. TiMe sKiP (cuz in skool I was forced to read the book and then we watched the movie. I can't stand romcoms so it was MEGA cringe for me. IT WAS SO FUCKIN CHEEZY!!! And I'm lazy, heh) The movie finished up and I sighed happily, "Wasn't that a cute movie, Stoner?" I asked. "Yup, I didn't think that she would vanish at the end. I thought she would stay with Leo forever," Stoner said, "Kind of depressing, you know?" I nodded in agreement and got an idea, I smirked and began to tickle Stoner. "ACK! Hehehehheheh Cappy! STOP! EEE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" He shrieked. "I didn't know you were ticklish!" I exclaimed and kept tickling. "BAHAHAHAHAHA! CAPPY! OOOH, I'M GONNA GET YOU!!" He laughed. Stoner began to tickle me back, I am actually extremely ticklish. I squealed and wriggled, "EEEEEEEEEEEEE!! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! AAAHHH! STONER! STOOOP IT!" I screamed. I fell off the couch laughing and Stoner stopped tickling. I climbed back onto the couch and hugged Stoner. "You beat me fair and square so you deserve a reward," I said. "Hm?" he made a questioning noise and raised one eyebrow. I grabbed Stoner's face and pulled him into a kiss.

Stoner's POV


We kissed until we ran out of air, then I set my head on Captain's chest. "Can I brush your hair, Stoner?" He asked. "Sure," I agreed. Captain got up and walked to the bathroom, he came back with a hairbrush. He sat down beside me and began to brush my hair gently. I relaxed into his touch and smiled, Captain hummed softly. He began to sing, "One time, I tried to sing, about spring and a storm, but you know, how it goes, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah, all along, won't you please stop complaining, I'm playing a song, but all the rain comes down the same, falling to from where it came, on the ground then back around, up in the sky, I wish you could have heard the music, when the clouds growled overhead, I finally felt enthusiastic, I finally felt alive, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah, so you said, would it please you to listen, to thunder instead? Man the rain came down that day, and it drained my soul away, and I wondered why I even, bothered to try, Mr. Moon?, yeah?, tell us about the sky, the sky is deep and dark and eternally high, many people think that's where you go when you die, do you? Well, I think you return to obscure, or wherever you were, before you were, but I won't let you lose yourself, in the rain, we have so much left to sing, there's a storm for every spring, all you see and you and me, became from a star, you're a star, you're a star, you're a star, you're a star, you're a star, yes, you are, silent explosive and, silent explosive and, silent explosive and, silent explosive and, create until nothing is left to create and, the universe bursts with an overworked sigh then, pretend to, pretend to re-crown the creation and, sing the same thing 'til the clouds start to cry and then, over and over and over again and then, over and over and, never again..." My eyes drooped and I slipped off to sleep.

Captain's POV


Stoner had fallen asleep on my lap and I smiled, I yawned and leaned back on the couch. I yawned again and soon fell asleep, when I woke up Stoner was in the kitchen cooking. If it could be called cooking, he was blasting an on-fire pot with a fire extinguisher. I facepalmed, got up, grabbed a pot lid, and slammed it on the pot. "Goodness Stoner! What on earth were you making?!?" I exclaimed. "Uh, soup," He said, looking rather embarrassed. "Oh Stoner, you must be the only person in the world who can light soup on fire," I laughed and hugged him. "Want me to teach you how to cook?" I asked. He nodded and I got out a clean pot, slotted spoon, and some pasta. I filled the pot with water and set it on the stove, "You can't light this on fire," I said confidently. When the water boiled I handed the pasta to Stoner, he dumped it in. The pasta lit on fire and my jaw dropped. I slammed a lid on the pot and looked at Stoner, he shrugged. "Ok, this can not light on fire," I said and handed him two slices of bread and a piece of ham.

Stoner's POV


I set the bread on the counter, set the ham on the bread, and slapped the second slice of bread on top of it all. Captain and I stared at it for a moment, it lit on fire, I blasted it with the fire extinguisher. "HOW!" He exclaimed. "I have no clue," I told him. "Ok, I'm gonna be cooking for us, we don't want the skeld burning down," Captain said. I nodded in agreement and he stated, "Well, we now have an infinite source of fire." We both burst out laughing and I snorted, "I had no clue I was that bad at cooking." Captain laughed and got out two containers of raman, he put some water in the microwave. He made the raman and I got two spoons, we sat down at the table. We began to eat and Captain asked, "Want to look at some so op mods after lunch?" "Sure thing, Cappy!" I agreed. We finished eating and went back to the couch, I cuddled up under a blanket with Captain. He got out his phone and opened an app, we scrolled through them. We finally settled on a golden imposter mod, they had the ability to turn crewmates into statues, rain gold nuggets from the sky, and burn the crewmates in golden lava. (This is a purely imaginary mod, I hope it exists though its badass)

Sorry this took so long, I was lazy (and had a few out of town weeks)-  Ava

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