13 - He's Mine

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"Isn't everything just perfect? It's better than I imagined.

Oh no, why is Dawn wearing coral? I told her a hundred times to wear shades from my colour pallet only. She looks like a lobster. I have to get her changed immediately.

Oh, one of the pieces is crooked. Can someone fix it please? The white flowers look divine. But where are the special orchids and the Japanese Anemone? Oh there they are.

The arch looks so pretty. Is it leaning to one side? No? Okay, maybe it's the angle from here. And...." said Fern, hyper as ever, throwing a hundred words a minute at me.

She looked spectacular, in a beautiful mermaid style silver gown that showed off her curves and accentuated her skin and hair. She wore her trademark six-inch stillettos, encrusted in Swarovski stones.

"Dawn is on her way to the changing room. The necklace is not crooked, it's an asymmetrical piece. The flowers are all here, I checked them myself. The arch and the photo wall are both exactly how you wanted them.

Leave everything to us, Fern. Why don't you head down and mingle with your guests. This is your time to shine, Princess" I said bowing.

Fern laughed prettily and patted my head.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm going"

My eyes searched for Wat. I spotted him near the entrance, welcoming the guests. He seemed to know a lot of them.

He looked extremely handsome in a creamy-white suit. And I took my time admiring him.

As though on cue, he looked up at the mezzanine balcony where I stood and winked. I clutched my heart and pretended to faint.

He chuckled and shook his head. He rubbed the nape of his neck shyly. I loved it when he did that. I found it extremely hot.

We had both been very busy these last few days and had barely spent any time together. Just a few flirty texts and a call or two.

Which was probably for the best. I was getting a little scared of the speed and intensity with which I had started to fall for him.

Some distance was necessary to get my head straight. We hadn't discussed what we were, if anything at all, and I didn't want to be in a place that led me to a heartbreak of my own creation.

"You should go down there and be with him. We can watch over things from here" said Pear, sidling up to me. Boss stood behind her.

Pear was dressed in a white gown with silver-grey accents which made her look very grown-up. I hugged her around the shoulders.

"You look nice" I said, kissing the top of her head.

"Gee, thanks Phi. Look at Ren. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights" chirped Pear happily.

Ren had worn a dark grey suit with a silver tie. Fern had declared that he matched her own ensemble perfectly, so he had been force-enrolled as her escort for the night.

Fern clung to his arm and led him around the gallery as she greeted the crowd of actors, musicians, supermodels and other celebrities of note.

Ren looked starstruck and terrified in equal measure.

"Isn't Earn supposed to be here already? I can only see the press photographers. Looks like another Aekaranwong might make the newspapers, this time with a picture" sniggered Pear as Fern twirled Ren around to face a bank of cameras that flashed blindingly.

"Earn and Fong will arrive in a bit. I should go rescue Ren at some point. Call me if you need me" I said and headed down the stairs.

Chef Gustad stood near the back, looking moody and extremely handsome. I nodded at him and he waved me away. I saw many guests making eyes at him.

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