Pet Names

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"You guys don't have pet names?" Mabel questioned Pacifica, one brow raised in doubt. "Like, at all?"

"For the ninth time, no. We don't use pet names." Pacifica answered in an irritated tone and continued sorting through a box of stuffed animals. She was beginning to regret asking Mabel for help with the attic.

"Not even 'babe' or 'baby' or anything?" Mabel asked again. It seemed she couldn't wrap her head around the possibility of a couple refusing to use pet names. Downstairs, she could hear the racket of the kids playing with their cousins.

"Mabel, how many times are we gonna keep looping around this?" Pacifica had resurfaced from her box.

"Until I find it believable." Mabel said firmly. Pacifica sighed.

"Why is it so hard to believe anyway?" she asked, her attention back to the box of toys.

"Because all couples have pet names, even though some are really embarrassing." Mabel answered smartly. "And I know Dipper's always wanted to give his partner a pet name."

"Whatever, point is, we don't use those." Pacifica said absent-midedly. "Hey, what's this?"

She held out a yellow ball the size of a billiard ball and had a black slit.

"That's a Pterodactyl eye." Mabel replied nonchalantly. Pacifica yelped and dropped the eye, wiping her hand on her shorts.

"Last question." said Mabel as Pacifica went to retrieve the eye, which had rolled over to the hatch. "What do you call the sweet stuff that bees make again? From flowers? I forget."

"Honey?" Pacifica answered, realizing too late the real reason behind Mabel's question.

"Yes?" Dipper's head popped up from the hatch, looking expectantly at Pacifica, just as Mabel had expected.

Mabel grinned. She raised an eyebrow at a blushing Pacifica. "No pet names, huh?" 

~ - ~ - ~

I know this is super short but I was really bored and I had nothing else to do. This was the first scene that came to mind so here you go. Hope you liked it anyway :D

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